Метеозалежністю або метеочутливістю вважається залежність стану організму від змін погодних умов, таких як різке зниження або підвищення температури, вологості, коливання атмосферного тиску, магнітні бурі тощо. Цей феномен проявляється у багатьох людей, і хоча його механізм досі не
повністю зрозумілий, він має велике значення для здоров'я та життєвої активності людей. Метеозалежність може проявлятися у різних формах - від
головного болю та нудоти до болів у суглобах та м'язах. Однією з основних причин метеозалежності є зміни атмосферного тиску.
This article discusses the characteristics of the design of thermoelectric generators (TEGs) for cold climates. Since the thermocouples of thermoelectric batteries are produced from different materials, their major properties are studied. Particular attention is given to nanostructured materials regarding the modern class of thermoelectric materials. Two-, three-, and four-component alloys (metallic glasses) of the Fe-Ni(Cu)-P-B system are chosen based on the experience of thermoelectric thermometry. The close chemical composition of two thermoelectrodes enables their compatibility in thermocouple production and satisfactory thermoelectric efficiency of batteries during long-term operation. The improvement of the thermoelectric battery characteristics related to a unit of mass is evaluated. The materials studied are distinguished by the absence of toxic components harmful to the environment at the manufacturing and operating stages.
The relevance of the study of the agrarian market of Europe, and in particular of Ukraine, is connected with the growing competition of states on world food markets. Trade regulation does not produce the expected results, does not reduce the level of monopolization by transnational corporations of many industry and regional food markets. The problems of population dissatisfaction and ensuring the independence of states are intensifying, which, in turn, increases the role of rational protectionism of the domestic food market. The results of research on this problem will expand the possibilities of scientific approaches to create large-scale research and educational structures capable of participating in various areas of activity to ensure food security. Since the agricultural sector is still one of the most important sectors of the economy in many countries, providing employment and being the main source of income for significant sections of their population, it is not surprising that most of them are interested in the introduction of new technologies and the adaptation of agriculture to development. Changes in the scale of the world economy in recent years have significantly increased interest in investment tasks, which is evidenced by the intensification of trading in the shares of large and medium-sized international companies and, accordingly, causes a rapid increase in their values. As a special case in investment theory, the problem of decision-making regarding the formation and optimization of an investment portfolio is considered. This task is in the field of attention of both large investment companies and private investors, since, choosing among possible alternatives for the distribution of capital investments within the market of financial assets, the investor will get different results. As a result, it is necessary to understand the amount of income received during the period of ownership of the investment portfolio. In the presented work, using the C# programming language, a model is proposed that can be applied in the formation of a portfolio of securities, which allows potential investors to independently assess the effectiveness of the investment set by comparing the growth dynamics of shares available on the financial market. It is known that most of the information an investor encounters is tabular in nature, and according to the methodology of scientific knowledge, a person better perceives visualized ways of presenting information. The model proposed in the work uses visualization tools built into the software product, which presents available tabulated information in a structured graphic form.