УДК 619:612.174:612.1:636.4


The primary aim of the work was to study the peculiarities of the influence of endogenous factors (products of inflammatory processes occurring in the tissues of female genitals) in the biological system of type “environment (uterine-vaginal mucus) – substance (water, organic and inorganic substances)” on the indicators of mass (g, mg) of its components. The results of the experiments indicate that their harmful effect changes the color and density of mucus released during estrus (UVM); reduces the parameters of the mass content of H2O and inorganic substances (IS), but increases – organic (OS). Under these circumstances, the distribution of the parameters of the mass of the components of the dry residue (DR, dried at 105 oC) of UVM of cows of the experimental group is presented in a row where the mass of ОS1 (burn at 520–530 oC) ˃IS ˃ОS2 (burn at 650 оС), but for control is another as well as mass of IS˃ОS1˃ОS2. This means that the harmful effects of inflammatory products on the genital tissues of females negatively affect the distribution of the mass of OS and IS in the system “environment-substance”.

УДК: 612.014.484:012.015.1]-078.73-037-092.9

The development of oxidative and nitrative stress and the processes of free radical oxidation are associated with many pathological processes. Damage of any origin leads to the activation of free radical processes not only in the place of damage, but also in the whole organism. The aim of the study is to assess the state of lipid peroxidation, content of GSH and GSSG and the activity of NO-synthase and arginase in lymphocytes and peripheral blood serum in men with erectile dysfunction due to combat trauma. The research was conducted on peripheral blood lymphocytes of men injured as a result of combat operations (shrapnel and bullet wounds) in the Russian-Ukrainian war, and who were treated at the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Western Region (Lviv, Ukraine). The research group of men with combat injuries was divided into two age groups: men aged 20–39 years and men aged 40–53 years. The MDA content in the blood serum of patients of both age groups was 1.35 times higher than in the control group. In peripheral blood lymphocytes, the MDA content in patients of the young age group was 1.27, and in patients of the middle age group in 1.39 times higher than in the control group. Simultaneously, no significant changes in the concentration of oxidized glutathione in blood serum and blood lymphocytes were found between men with erectile dysfunction due to combat trauma and healthy men. GSH content in blood serum in patients of both age groups was
significantly lower than in the control group. The arginase/NOS ratio in blood serum was 9.75 times lower in the young age group and in 20.45 times lower in the middle age group compared to healthy men. It was established that in the blood serum and blood lymphocytes of men with erectile dysfunction due to combat trauma, processes of lipid peroxidation were intensified and the GSH level was reduced. The GSH/GSSG ratio was reduced only in blood serum. It was found that the oxidative stress is associated with development of nitrative stress. The arginase/NOS ratio was shifted towards increased NOS activity. Activation of iNOS was accompanied by significant inhibition of cNOS. Further study of biochemical mechanisms is important to understand the triggers of erectile dysfunction due to combat trauma.
Keywords: trauma; erectile dysfunction;MDA content; glutathione;NO-synthase; arginase.