The article is dedicated to commemorating Yakub Karol Parnas, an eminent figure in biochemistry
and a professor in the Department of Physiological (Biological) Chemistry at Lviv Medical University. It
underscores the profound impact of akub Parnas on Ukrainian biochemistry, shedding light on intriguing
facets of his personality during his highly productive two decades at Lviv University. His research significantly contributed to unveiling anaerobic glucose metabolism, later acknowledged as the Embden-MeyerhoffParnas pathway. Professor akub Parnas and his Lviv school conducted pivotal studies on enzymatic transformations associated with anaerobic muscle function and alcoholic fermentation, glycogen phosphorolysis,
revelation of TP synthesis within glycolysis, pioneering use of radioactively labeled phosphorus in biological experiments.
K e y w o r d s: biochemistry, Yakub Parnas, Embden-Meyerhoff-Parnas pathway, Lviv