The paper proposes a model of an electromagnetic radiation sensor that uses the precession of the magnetization vector in a ferromagnet (ferromagnetic resonance) as a result of absorbing the energy of an incident electromagnetic wave, the generation of a spin current as a result of this precession, the generation of a spin-polarized current as a result of the passage of a spin current in a non-magnetic metal, and a change in the direction of magnetization of a ferromagnetic layer with a low coercive force (free layer) due to the passage of a spin-polarized current. Then the radiation will be detected by its effect on the electrical resistance of the entire structure, which depends on the mutual directions (parallel or antiparallel) of magnetization of the free and fixed (with a large coercive force) ferromagnetic layers (phenomenon of giant magnetic resistance). The dependence of the spin-polarized current in the device on the frequency and amplitude of the incident electromagnetic wave with linear polarization was calculated. A method of calculating the range of amplitude and frequency values of radiation that can be detected by the sensor has been developed. The parameters of this model are the detection time and the number of spin gates in one sensor. Calculations are given for a ferromagnetic layer made of permalloy and for spin valves with four different critical current values that determine the process of remagnetization of the free layer: 20, 50, 100, and 200 microamps.

The article is devoted to modelling the growth of thin films on the surfaces of crystals having a similar crystal structure with a small parameter of mismatch of the lattice of substances from which the film and the crystal substrate are formed. A review of modelling methods based on both analytical expressions and computational methods is made. A number of methods for modelling the most typical processes: surface formation in the form of pyramidal formations (so-called needle crystals), two-dimensional with initial islands of growth and three-dimensional uneven growth processes. To model the process of growth of needle crystals, it is proposed to use a method based on Gaussian statistics of surface height increments. The model of three-dimensional growth of the crystal surface, which uses the iterative algorithm of Foss, and which makes it possible to investigate the processes of stepped, uneven growth of crystals, is also considered. In contrast to stepwise growth, a model of submonolayer growth of a film based on the Monte Carlo method is considered. For submonolayer growth of the film, pseudo-random sequences are used, which simulate the initial arrangement of the nuclei of the nucleus of the next layer on the crystal surface. The computational characteristics of this method are determined, namely the dependence of the number of iterations on the initial surface filling coefficient.