УДК: 616.28-008.1-053.3/.4-073.7
Abstract. This work presents analysis of modern scientific literature on determination of the function of tonsils of Waldeyer’s ring (pharyngeal lymphoid tissue ring) and their role in the establishment and functioning of the local and humoral immunity in human organism. Tonsils are the «first line of defense» courtesy of the factors on nonspecific protection of the mucous membranes of upper air passages. Characteristic are for these factors: diverse action mechanisms; they have typically antifungal, antibacterial action, which was noted in the factors of the system of non-specific secretory lipoprotease inhibitors, elafins and lactoferrins. Differential immunodiagnostics between some pathological conditions of these structures can be carried out by way of determination of modern noninvasive methods of study of the immune factors, such as determination of cytokines, protective proteins, allergy, oropharyngeal secretion, reaginic antibodies; as well as for the assessment of provided treatment efficacy. Bearing in mind the obtained data of the analysis of literature sources it can be said, that even under the conditions of a chronic inflammation the Waldeyer’s ring tonsils have a marked immunological effect owing to cytokines, cells-regulators and effector cell. Because even under such conditions they can produce polypeptides that have the regulatory and antitumoral capacity. The results of the studied literature sources indicate of the posed problem. Thus, as the active components of the local and systemic immunity the Waldeyer’s ring tonsils must be maximally preserved except cases when they serve as the permanent source of infection with irreversible changes and negative effect on the associated organs.
Keywords: palatine tonsils, mouth mucosa, lymphoid tissue, immunity, tonsillitis.