Aim: to determine if COVID-19 infection affects the auditory system and causes hearing problems among students. Materials and Methods. Questionnaire based cross-sectional study during 14–28.04.2021. 11 questions and a hearing test sent to 450 students randomly. The questionnaire contained basic demographic questions, study details, COVID-19 anamnesis, hearing test online link. XIX КОНҐРЕС СВІТОВОЇ ФЕДЕРАЦІЇ УКРАЇНСЬКИХ ЛІКАРСЬКИХ ТОВАРИСТВ (СФУЛТ) ● 27–29.10.2022 92 УКРАЇНСЬКІ МЕДИЧНІ ВІСТІ • Т. 14 • № 3–4 (92–93) • 2022 Results. 201 students participated, 15 were excluded. There were students in Ukraine, Lebanon, France, Canada, India, Bahrain, USA, Netherlands, Romania, Italy. Among the participants previously infected by COVID-19 (46), 18 (39.13 %) showed hearing problems: mild (17.4 %), moderate (19.6 %), severe (2.8 %) issues. Among the participants that were never infected (140), 23 (16.4 %) showed hearing problems: mild (10.7 %), moderate (5,7 %), none severe issues. Most of the previously infected participants were infected from more than 2 months ago (40) and 17 (42.5 %) of them showed hearing problems. This may show that hearing loss may be a long term effect of COVID-19 infection. The value of student’s t-test between the control group and the previously infected was calculated and it was 2.89, (p < 0.05) which shows that the difference between the 2 groups was statistically significant. Conclusion. There was a significant difference found between percentage of participants previously infected by COVID-19 affected by hearing loss and percentage of the control group affected by hearing loss, showing that COVID-19 may cause damage to the hearing system. The effect of COVID- 19 on hearing should be further investigated.