Background: Premature birth and care of premature babies is a pressing problem of the modern world.
Objectives: To determine the dynamics of physical and psychomotor development, the state of the musculoskeletal
system (MS) of premature infants in the first year of life under the influence of physical therapy (PT).
Research sample and method: The study involved 60 infants, which were divided into 4 groups according to the degree of prematurity. The assessment of children's physical deve lopment was carried out on anthropometric indicators. The degree of damage of the nervous system was examined by neurosonography. Children undergo the PT programme based on INFANIB test scores in 0, 3, 7, and 12 months of adjusted gestational age.
Results: When using the PT programme, it was found that during the first three months of life, children with I – III degree of prematurity almost doubled their body weight, in the group with IV – it was increased by 76.9 %. The analysis of the results of neurosonography revealed positive dynamics in all the groups. Congenital crooked neck was observed in 30 % of children with stage III prematurity, which was the highest among the identified pathologies of MS. At the end of the PT programme, these diagnoses were withdrawn.
Conclusions: Indicators of anthropometric changes, analysis of the dynamics of neurosonography and the prevalence of pathology of the MS revealed positive changes in all groups of children on each stage of the study, which should be considered according to the result of timely and rational use of PT.