Analyzed three swarm intelligence algorithms, namely Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Bee Colony Optimization (BCO), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and the adaptability of these algorithms to a dynamic environment. Firstly, the ACO algorithm was analyzed, the behavior of ants in nature, the purpose of the algorithm, and its shortcomings in a dynamic environment. Then the existing modifications of this algorithm to changing environments were investigated, namely AСO with dynamic pheromone updating (AACO), ACO with adaptive memory (ACO-AP), ACO with multi-agent system (MAS-ACO), ACO with machine learning algorithms (MLACO). The advantages and disadvantages of these modifications are also discussed in detail. The software tools that implement the functionality of this algorithm, such as AntTweakBar, AntOpt, EasyAnt have been mentioned. These software tools provide an opportunity to develop new modifications of the ACO algorithms and to study existing ones. Furthermore, the capabilities of the BCO algorithm were clarified and the behavior and parameters of this algorithm were described, its pros and cons in a dynamic environment were investigated. The following BCO modifications were considered: Group Bee Algorithm (GBA), Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), and open source software: PySwarms, PyABC. The third part of the article investigates the work of the PSO algorithm, its advantages and disadvantages of adaptation to dynamic environments. Dynamic Particle Swarm Optimization with Permutation (DPSO-P), Dynamic Multi-swarm Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Elite Learning (DMS-P50-EL) are considered as modifications of PSO to adapt to dynamic environments. The libraries for work such as SciPy, DEAP, PyGAD, Particleswarm, JSwarm (has a wide API and well-written documentation), Dlib have been mentioned. Finally, a comparative table with the most important properties (resistance to environmental changes, complexity of implementation, the possibility of using for a UAV swarm, etc.) for all three algorithms was created, a brief description of similar articles comparing algorithms of swarm intelligence was also made, and the conclusions of the study were drawn.

Оціненно ефективність використання конфлікт-вільних реплікаційних структур даних CRDT (англ. Conflict-free Replicated Data Types), для забезпечення узгодженості та цілісності даних у стистемах моніторингу Інтернету речей (ІоТ).

The work proposes the use of a unique method of creating passive, multifunctional, non-contact pressure-temperature sensors. The basis of this method is a combination of inorganic semiconductors and high-molecular organic cholesteric crystals. According to their morphology, such crystals represent a spiral structure that is sensitive to changes in external physical factors, such as temperatures, due to changes in the periodicity of the structure, which leads to Bragg diffraction scattering of light on it. The consequence of such influence is the coloring of the cholesteric, which can be identified by external spectrosensitive devices on a non-contact basis. On the other hand, the use of inorganic semiconductors involves the production of a micro-profiled base with a thin silicon membrane that is sensitive to external pressure. The thickness of the membrane determines the operating conditions of the sensor depending on the range of applied pressure from 0.3 bar and above. A hardware and software complex was developed for continuous monitoring of changes in the color of passive pressure-temperature sensors, tracking the spectral distribution of the light intensity of the color of the liquid crystal depending on the operating conditions on a non-contact basis with an external spectrometer. The basis of such a system is a software module created on the basis of the MVVM (Model–View–View Model) architecture template. A feature of the software module is the use of the .NET and WPF frameworks, which natively support this architectural pattern for .NET Windows platforms and are supported by all popular versions of operating systems. The SQlite database, which is a relational database management system, is used to store data in the software application. The OmniDriver library was used in the system to operate and configure the spectrometer. The software module has two modes of operation with spectrometers. The first mode is characterized by the reading of a single spectrum, while the second mode is characterized by periodic reading and processing of the intensity spectral distribution in real time with a given period. When using the second mode, the software module allows you to dynamically change the periods and parameters of changing the color parameters of the light over time. The main algorithm of the software module is the transformation of the spectral intensity distribution normalized in the CIE XYZ color model, which is the basis for all further calculations, into the RGB model.

In the work, a study of the design and technological direction of creating a dual-functional non-contact pressure and temperature sensor based on silicon-cholesteric crystal systems was carried out. An optically active environment based on a supramolecular spiral structure is a sensitive element for forming the optical response of a microelectronic label sensor during non-contact monitoring of the state of a physical object using a spectrometer. The optical response of the device provides maximum intensity in the case of interference that corresponds to the Wulff–Bragg condition. The functionality of the sensor is ensured by the conditions for avoiding high electromagnetic interference during optical identification. A hardware and software modules have been created for non-contact monitoring of the state of physical objects, the main part of which is graphical user interface that corresponds to the MVVM architectural design pattern. Visualization of the spectral intensity using the software module was provided by conversion to the RGB model. The algorithm of procedure for calculating the color rendering index is given. In a wide range of light waves, the main parameters' color temperature was defined.