Scars are a pathological consequence of the functons of recovery and reconstructon afer tssue damage, which affect the patent's appearance, physical functons and cause deformites that have an impact on psychological burden, especially when the scar is located in the maxillofacial area. It is customary to include hypertrophic, atrophic and keloid scars in the pathological group. The purpose of the study: to highlight and analyze data on modern preventon methods and their impact on the formaton of a pathological scar. PRP (injectons of platelet-rich plasma) is one of the modern methods of preventng pathological scars This is a new and modern method of preventon and treatment, which is constantly expanding, and shows great prospects in medicine. Emer J describes in his studies that PRP combined with hardware treatment reduces transepidermal water loss and reduces inflammatory hyperpigmentaton. Wu W and the authors using hypoallergenic microporous tape in their clinical studies proved that it is able to reduce tension in tssues. Limmer EE and the authors used a painless alternatve to cortcosteroid injectons in their studies, namely cortcosteroid tape. A correctly chosen method of preventon and treatment improves a beter aesthetc result, shortens the tme of wound healing, and also reduces the percentage of recurrences in the postoperatve period, which is a desirable result not only for doctors, but also for the loss.