UDK 616.716.4-001.5:616.36-008:616.748-005.1/005.4]-085.214.31-092.9

In the modern world, the prevalence of gunshot wounds has increased significantly. The main cause of death under conditions of gunshot wounds is acute massive blood loss from the extremities. Applying hemostatic tourniquet according to these conditions belongs to the basic aid measures for the wounded on the battlefield. In the structure of gunshot wounds, despite the injury of the extremities, has recently significantly increased the frequency of frontal part injuries of the skull, which remains the least protected part of the body of combatants. There are lesions of the face and facial skeleton in a third of cases with such injuries. However, the effect of mandibular fracture on systemic disorders of acute blood loss complicated by two-hour ischemia-reperfusion of the limb, practically not studied, there are no data on the effectiveness of carbacetam in the case of these conditions.