UDC 616.36-008.64:616.716.4-001.5:616-005.1-089.811

Injuries in today's urban society are an urgent problem. In modern trauma, along with the lesion of various anatomical parts of the body increases the frequency of damages of the extremities main vessels with the development of massive external bleeding. Under these conditions, the only way to escape is to apply a tourniquet lasting up to two hours. At the same time in the structure of militant trauma and injuries in peacetime there is a tendency to increase the frequency of injuries of the maxillofacial area. The main cause of the injured people death is the development of systemic disorders with secondary lesions of tissues and organs remote from the site of direct injury. However, the role of mandible fracture in the development of systemic disorders in the case of acute blood loss and ischemia-reperfusion of the limb is insufficiently studied.

UDC 616.36-008.6:[616-005.1+616.748-005.4]:615.214.3-092.9

Introduction. Under conditions of massive bleeding from the extremities, both in combat and in peacetime, the only means for salvation is applying tourniquet, which completely stops the arterial blood flow. It is believed that the maximum safe time for bleeding of the limb due to the use of the tourniquet is up to two hours. The systemic effect of acute blood loss complicated by ischemia-reperfusion of the limb on the liver, which is the main organ of detoxification of the body, remains almost unexplored. Objective of research: to determine the effect of acute blood loss complicated by two-hour limb ischemia and its reperfusion on the absorption-excretory and glycogensynthesizing function of the liver.