UDC 378.1.096:616

The introduction of innovative teaching technologies in higher medical education contributes to its intensification, effective implementation of the acquired knowledge into practice, formation of clinical thinking, and development of practical skills and abilities. It is ensured by the joint work of the student, who is at the centre of the educational process, and an experienced teacher who uses innovative methods. The study aimed to analyse the use of innovative methods in clinical departments of higher education institutions. The analytical method of literature data and the comparative method of comparing with one's own clinical and teaching experience were used. Game methods have become essential nowadays in the context of distance or blended learning. The advantage of a clinical game is the expansion of knowledge and experience of participants who learn to interact, make quick and correct decisions, evaluate their effectiveness and consequences, and have the opportunity to correct mistakes. The teacher can change the context, tasks, logistics of instrumental and laboratory examinations, and management tactics. The effective work of the teacher, the skilful use of innovative technologies, and the quality of the presentation of the material affect the student's interest in learning. Evaluating student mistakes that do not harm the patient or worsen their condition is important. There are games with a change of context, examination results, sudden development of an emergency, and a game with incomplete data that the participant has to model. The clinical game can be adapted for both classroom and distance learning; it can be based on data from real patients. Thus, innovative technologies of the educational process, including simulation ones, promote active independent learning, the development of practical skills and abilities, and the formation of clinical thinking. The clinical game is a creative method of teaching that expands the knowledge and experience of participants, has an educational function, brings them closer to future practical work and can be used in various forms of education.