Introduction. Infectious diseases have been a threat during all periods of human existence. Primary measures to protect against extremely dangerous pathogens included quarantine, observation and vaccination. Vaccination was crucial in the fight against smallpox — the only disease, which was eradicated on a global scale. The aim of the work was to identify the main stages of development and application of vaccines for the protection against especially dangerous infection (EDI) and the contribution of Ukrainian scientists in the development of vaccines for EDI. Methods. An analysis using the Search Strategy of narrative reviews of literary sources and Internet resource was conducted to systematize data about the application of immunobiological preparations to create an active immunity against several actual EDI. The participation of scientists with Ukrainian roots in the creation of vaccines against this group of diseases is indicated. Results. Smallpox (variolation in China in the 11th century) is known as the first disease against which specifc protection was created. Until the 20s century, the first five vaccines against EDI were developed: smallpox, rabies, anthrax, cholera, and plague. In the 20s century, the list was supplemented by vaccines against typhus, yellow fever, tick-borne encephalitis,тtularemia, brucellosis, coxiellosis (Q-fever), hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS). The introduction of new technologies in the 21st century allowed improving existing preparations and creating new ones against Ebola viral disease (EVD), COVID-19 as EDIs relevant ones for the pandemic potential. Outstanding scientists with Ukrainian roots contributed to the creation of vaccines against EDI: V. Khavkin, D. Samoilovich, V. Zhdanov. Conclusion. Protection of the population against EDIs is limited by the number of available effective vaccines. The development of vaccines against COVID-19 has improved the prognosis for containment of the COVID-19 pandemic.