The aim:  To perform a comparative analysis of VTE in patients with acute surgical abdominal pathology before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Materials and methods:  Retrospective study covered 53062 patients operated in the surgical clinic (Lviv city emergency hospital) in 2000-2019. Prospective analysis was based on the results of treatment of 546 patients operated at the same surgical clinic from April 2020 (1st surgical patient with COVID-19) till December 2021. The study analyzed 48 (8.8%) patients operated for acute abdominal pathology and confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19.
Results:  In the 1st group, heparin prophylaxis was used in 42.3% of patients, of which non-fractionated heparin were used in 58.6% and low molecular weight heparin - in the remaining patients. From 2020 to 2021, pharmacoprophylaxis was used in 84.5% of cases, of which 67.2% - low molecular weight heparins, 20.1% - non-fractionated heparins and 12.7% - modern oral anticoagulants. The results were unexpected: with a significant increase in the ve­ nous thromboembolism prevention in the 2nd group, a decrease in the number of episodes of thromboembolic complications was not observed. In contrast, pulmonary artery embolism was recorded in 10.6% of patients in the 1st group and 23.5% - in 2nd group, which is a 2.2-fold increase in fatal cases of venous thrombosis (p<0.05) in patients with COVID-19.
Conclusions:  Increase of mortality due to pulmonary artery embolism more than twicefold in patients with COVID-19 operated for acute surgical abdominal pathology is an objective evidence of a potentiated, uncontrolled risk of venous thromboembolism and requires further in-depth study.
KEYWORDS:  venous thrombosis and embolism, COVID-19, thromboembolic complications, acute surgical abdominal pathology