Objective: The aim: The purpose of this study was to examine the most common coping strategies in the population in quarantine settings.
Patients and methods: Materials and methods: The study used the following set of methods: a general questionnaire aimed at studying sociodemographic data, living conditions during quarantine, lifestyle during quarantine, the presence of chronic diseases and psychodiagnostic methods: assessment of distress R.Kessler, assessment of the presence of manifestations of anxiety-depressive response GAD-7, depression self-assessment scale PHQ-9, stress-overcoming behavior strategies (E. Heim), as well as mathematical methods for processing the obtained data.
Results: Results: Social and psychological characteristics of the examined were investigated, where coping strategies during the quarantine period play a role in the adaptation process and the state of the psychoemotional sphere. Non-adaptive cognitive coping was characterized by the presence of direct strong correlations with high levels of distress and high rates of anxiety and depression.
Conclusion: Conclusions: Quarantine restrictions are risk factors for mental health deterioration. In these settings, the interaction of stress factors with anti-stress protection components is important, among which coping strategies play a leading role.