The aim: To study the effect of drug addiction and smoking on the status of periodontal tissues in patients with hepatobiliary pathology. Materials and methods: 58 smokers, 63 drug addicts with hepatobiliary pathology were examined and 92 persons of comparison group (with inflammatory periodontal diseases affected by hepatobiliary pathology, without addiction). Examination of patients included determination of iodine number by Svrakov, S-L and Stallard hygiene indices, PMA index and index PBI.
Results: The results of examination of smokers are worse in patients with cirrhosis than in patients with chronic toxic hepatitis and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and also the results of these two groups was significantly worse than that of the comparison group (iodine number by Svrakov – 1,4 times and 1,3 times higher, PMA index – 1,7 times and 1,4 times worse, in accordance). The results of the study showed that drug addicts patients are worse values in patients with cirrhosis than in patients with chronic toxic hepatitis and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and also the results of these two groups was significantly worse than that of the comparison group (iodine number by Svrakov – 1,5 times and 1,4 times higher, PMA index – 1,7 times and 1,5 times worse, in accordance).
Conclusions: Presence of hepatobiliary pathology in smokers and drug addicts increases the risk of periodontal diseases.
KEY WORDS: inflammatory periodontal diseases, hepatobiliary pathology, tobacco smoking, drug addiction