UDC: 616.132.11:616.12-005.4]-055.1-073.756.8
Aortic root requires preliminary preoperative analysis for coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) in coronary heart disease (CHD). The dimensions of the aorta correlate with anthropometric indicators. The purpose of the study: to establish the relationship between sinuses of Valsalva height, coronary artery ostia height and biometric parameters (age, height, weight, body surface area and body mass index) in men with CHD using computed tomography. Research materials and methods include contrast-enhanced computed tomography images of the aorta of men with verified CHD. According to growth parameters, division into 2 groups was made. The sinuses of Valsalva height and right and left coronary artery ostia height were measured. Clinical data were analyzed: age, height, body weight, body surface area (BSA) and body mass index (BMI). Statistical analysis: Student's t-test, Kendall's rank correlation method, Pearson's linear correlation, Fisher's multifactorial regression analysis. Analysis of the results of computed tomography of 30 men with CHD (average age 60.80±10.63 years) showed that the average values of the three sinuses of Valsalva height were approximately at the same level. The results of the Pearson linear correlation evaluation showed the absence of a proven relationship between biometric indicators and morphometric data according to CT in men with CHD (p>0.05). Multifactor regression analysis proved the inverse significant influence of weight and the direct significant influence of BMI and BSA on the dependence of left coronary artery ostia height. The multiple correlation coefficient was R=+0.55, with p=0.023, SEE=2.74. Prediction
of the level of left coronary artery ostia height in men with CHD was carried out with confirmation of the constructed model. In the first group of short men (n=11) with CHD (average age 60.11±12.63 years, height 1.677±0.023 m), an inverse correlation between height and left coronary artery ostia height (tb=-0.56, p=0.034). Reliable direct relationships between the left coronary artery ostia height parameter and several anthropometric indicators were established: with weight - a direct strong relationship (tb=+0.72, p=0.007), with BMI - a direct relationship of medium strength (tb=+ 0.67, p=0.008), with BSA - average strength direct connection (tb=+0.58, p=0.023). The relationship between the value of the right coronary artery ostia height and the BSA indicator - the inverse of the average strength correlation (tb=-0.51, p=0.046) was proved. Relationships between morphometric parameters and age were not proven. Thus, in men with CHD, left coronary artery ostia height correlates with weight, BMI, and BSA. In short men with CHD, there is
an inverse relationship between left coronary artery height and height; direct relationships with weight, BMI and BSA.