UDC: 611.132.2:616.132.2:616.132.11]-055.2-073.756.8
The most common form of cardiovascular disease in Ukraine is coronary heart disease, which is characterized by damage to the coronary arteries. The height of the aortic sinuses and the height of the coronary arteries are assessed when planning interventional procedures and cardiac surgery. Computed tomography can verify structural changes in the coronary arteries and morphometrically evaluate the components of the aortic sac. The purpose of the study: to measure the height of the coronary arteries orifice; height of the aortic sinuses in women with structural changes of the coronary arteries using computed tomography and assess the interdependence of measurements with anthropometric indicators (age, height, weight, body mass index, body surface area). Computed tomography-angiography of the chest of females with coronary arteries were processed. Statistical analysis: Shapiro-Francia test
(correctness of distribution), Student's t-test (comparison of the height of the coronary arteries and the height of the aortic sinuses); Pearson's linear correlation; Fisher's multifactorial regression analysis. The study found a direct correlation between height and measurability in women with coronary artery disease. The value of the growth rate was directly correlated with the height of the right aortic sinus (r=0.85, p=0.001), with the height of the lower edge of the right coronary artery orifice (r=0.74, p=0.01), the height of the upper edge of the left coronary artery orifice (r=0.67, p=0.03), the height of
the upper edge of the right coronary artery orifice (r=0.67, p=0.03). It is proved that with increasing body surface area, the parameters of the right aortic sinus decrease: the inverse strong correlation r=-0.83, p=0.002. Significant direct relationships have been established between most of the measured components of the aortic root. Multifactor regression analysis showed a proven strong effect of anthropometric data and age on the height of the right aortic sinus: R=0.96, at p=0.009 (according to Fisher). This made it possible to build a model for predicting the height of the right aortic sinus depending
on anthropometric and age parameters. Thus, in women with structural lesions of the coronary arteries, the increase in height correlates with an increase in the height of the right aortic sinus, the height of the coronary arteries orifice. An increase in body surface area correlates with a decrease in the height of the right aortic sinus in women with structural lesions of the coronary arteries.