UDK 614.21:615.035/.036(477)
The purpose of the work – summarizing the scientific conception of epochal way of establishing evidence-based medicine and substantiation of the methodological motive of the world successful medical practice for the doctor and the patient in the process of optimizing medical care in the conditions of transformation of the health care system of Ukraine to market principles.
Material and methods of research – it was performed flow, passive, retrospective, continuous research with the application of historical, bibliographic, abstract, historical-comparative, logical-analytical methods, as well as methods of deductive awareness, analogy, synchronization, structural-logical analysis, taking into account the principles of systematic, while the material was available from available domestic, foreign scientific medical information sources of different origins, collected using electronic search engine Google according to package Microsoft Office 2016.
Results. For the first time systematically scientifically substantiated many millennial epochal way of formation of evidence-based medicine, that allows the practitioner to be convinced and fully aware of the relevance of this successful medical practice in the context of the efficiency, safety and cost-effectiveness of the medical service for the patient, the patient – of its quality, safety, financial capacity and minimization of risks in the treatment process, and the scientist – about improving the quality of scientific researches.
Conclusions. The presented epochal way of formation of evidence-based medicine, The epoch-making path of becoming evidence-based medicine, as successful today in the world of medical practice, can fully contribute to the successful optimization of the medical care system, by enhancing the competence and flexibility of the practical actions of the doctor to medical innovations of evidentiary content, content of their introduction in the process of treatment, without understanding that the doctor is not able to qualitatively analyze scientific and medical information and raise professional level to the European standard.
Key words: history of medicine, medical practice, evidence-based medicine, doctor, patient, optimization, treatment process, efficiency, safety, cost-effectiveness, quality, transformation of the health care system.