UDC 616.12-009.7:616.127-005.8-036.11]303.4

The aim of the study. The scientific rationale for the role of the conscious behavioral actions of human in occurrence of cardiological pain depending on its educational level as the basis for timely and quality care for acute myocardial infarction (I21)

Materials and methods. The scientific work was performed on a selective statistical aggregate among n=374 patients (t>2, with p<0,05), according to the program “Medical and social significance of pain and main risk factors in the occurrence of acute myocardial infarction” processed by us, where respondents with cardiac pain (81.28 % respondents or n=304) were divided by the level of education into two groups: the first study group (n=108) – patients with higher education, the second research group (n=196) – patients with a secondary level of education. Both groups were comparable and representative to the general statistical aggregate (n=3075) with the probability of an accurate prediction t=95%. Thus, historical, statistical, mathematical, abstract, graphic methods of research, and also methods of the questionnaire, copying of necessary data from the Medical card of the inpatient (a. f. No. 003/о), deductive awareness, structural and logical analysis taking into account the system principles were used. The obtained personal data were summarized and processed in an automated way on a personal computer using the programs „Microsoft Office Excel 2019” and „SPSS”.
Results and discussion. The research established the insufficient awareness in patients with AMI (I21) that had the higher and secondary education in the 
occurrence of cardiological pain of such behavioral actions of human as temporal dimension of pain (in years); the independent use of medicines; appealing for medical aid; methods and timely delivery to the profile inpatient department of hospital and understanding of the content of availability of "therapeutic window" that convincingly confirms the low level of sanitary and educational work as preventive technology on these issues among the population at the primary level of medical support in the current health care system of Ukraine that leads to the late diagnostic and untimely treatment and costly enough financial resource in the cardiological inpatient department in the treatment of this pathology (I21).
Conclusion. The obtained results confirm the need of significant correction of the sanitary and educational work among the population by doctors of the primary level (DGP / FM, the district doctors-therapists) and the secondary level (doctorscardiologists of APE) of medical support that will help to form the adequate conscious behavioral actions of human in occurrence of cardiological pain will positively impact on the timeliness and quality of specialized / highly specialized cardiological medical aid and improve the negative dynamics in the state of morbidity and mortality among the population of Ukraine due to acute myocardial infarction (I.21).
Keywords. Cardiological pain, patient, level of education, awareness of behavioral actions, acute myocardial infarction, doctors, primary level of medical 
support, sanitary and educational work, timeliness, quality of medical aid.