UDC 617.55-002.5-07:616.155-097.36-07

Despite the high level of development of modern diagnostics, there is still a problem of diagnosing extrapulmonary and latent forms of tuberculosis. The purpose of the study was to determine the features of the immune status during the Koch immunoprovocation test. Studies were conducted in the venous blood of 50 patients with abdominal tuberculosis before and 72 hours after the Koch skin test. Indicators of cellular immunity were determined by the indirect immunofluorescence method and the content of cytokines by the immunoenzymatic method. The existence of statistically significant differences in the immunogram and in the cytokine profile of the examined patients before and after the Koch test was proved. The Koch immunoprovocation test
exacerbates the pathogenetic manifestations of the chronic inflammatory process, which is manifested by a change in the cytokine spectrum of the blood and makes it possible to clarify the diagnosis of abdominal tuberculosis. Determination of the level of TNFα in the blood serum of patients after the Koch test can be a marker of the latent form of the course of abdominal tuberculosis. Key words: immune system, cytokines, extrapulmonary tuberculosis, Koch test.