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ІІ  Міжнародна  науково-практична  конференція  «Лікарі  та  медсестринство: трансформація в умовах війни та поствоєнне відновлення», що відбулася у Луцьку 16-17 травня  2024  року  (далі  –  Конференція),  стала  гідним продовженням  започаткованої  Волинським  медичним  інститутом  у  2023  році  першої  конференції  «Лікарі та медсестринство – медичний фронт в Україні та світі». Традиційно проведення медичного форуму приурочене до Міжнародного дня медичної сестри, який відзначається щорічно 12  травня.  Завданнями  конференції  було привернення  уваги  медичної  спільноти  до важливості  медсестринської  професії,  висвітлення  актуальності наукових  досліджень  у галузі медицини і медсестринства у світі та в Україні, популяризація досягнень медичної  науки та практики на теренах Волинської області. 

On May 11–12, 2023, the I International Scientific Practical Conference “Doctors and Nursing – Medical Front in Ukraine and the World” took place in Lutsk, Ukraine. The conference was dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Shevchenko Scientific Society (SSS).The conference was organized by the Municipal Institution of Higher Education Volyn Medical Institute of Volyn Region Council, in collaboration with Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, I.Y. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Vilnius University (Lithuania), Higher Private Educational Institution Lviv Medical University, the Shevchenko Scientific Society, and Health Tech Without Borders (Switzerland, USA). The conference was held with the support of the State Institution “Center for Nursing Development of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”. Partners in conference organization also included Volyn Orthodox Theological Academy, Maastricht University (the Netherlands), Volyn Region Emergency Medical Center and Disaster Medicine Municipal Enterprise, German-Ukrainian Association of Nurses, NeanderklinikHarzwald (Germany), “Myloserdia” Association of Volyn Nurses PO and Lviv Association of Allergists, Immunologists, and Rehabilitologists Charitable Organization.During the course of the event, a total of over 100 speeches were delivered by medical scientists and practicing physicians, as well as researchers in diverse disciplines from Ukraine, the United States, Great Britain, Poland, Lithuania, Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Workshops were conducted on relevant issues in medical practice in times of war.A total of approximately 1100 individuals participated in the conference, comprising physicians from diverse disciplines and nurses, emergency medical professionals and disaster medicine specialists, scientific and pedagogical personnel, employees of the State Emergency Service, physical rehabilitation specialists, psychologists, representatives of the clergy and public organizations, and young scientists.A new interdisciplinary format of scientific dialogue has been started between representatives of medical and nursing specialities, the education sector, psychologists, and clergy. It helps find ways to address relevant issues in the medical sector in complex conditions of the present day.