Herpes simplex virus (HSV) can be not only a nosological disease, but also a secondary infection that can affect the severity of the course of other dermatoses. Timely diagnosis and correct therapy of the progression of psoriasis helps related specialists to prevent the occurrence of such diseases. Therefore, the goal of our research is a comprehensive examination of patients with psoriasis, especially with a severe and atypical clinical course of the disease, with the aim of detecting herpes infection and improving the effectiveness of treatment of such patients. The detected changes in indicators of both humoral and cellular immunity in patients with psoriasis are indirect evidence of the negative influence of provoking factors and accompanying pathology on the intensity of the immune response in their body, which in turn leads to the formation of immunodeficiency.
Nowadays dermatologist’s arsenal contains numerous pharmacological agents with high efficiency, but achieving the desired results in acne therapy is still not the easiest problem. The aim - to study the modern possibilities of medical and cosmetological correction of acne manifestations based on the analysis of foreign and domestic sources. We conducted a review with further analysis of foreign and domestic sources, domestic, European and American recommendations for the treatment of acne. Publications were searched through the National Center of Biotechnology Information, PubMed, StudMed and GoogleBooks resources.
Psoriasis is a skin disease that is accompanied by systemic inflammation and affects about 1 to 5% of the population worldwide. The aim of our research was to determine morphological peculiarities of skin lesions in patients with common psoriasis, investigation of the levels of expression of immunohistochemical markers of vascularization.
Squamous-hyperkeratotic mycosis of feet is the most prevalent dermatological condition in type 2 diabetes patients. The cutaneous symptoms develop slowly, starting with the formation of painless blistering and hyperkeratosis in areas exposed to pressure. The fungal infection adherence is promoted by poor circulation and traumatisation of the feet skin. The selection of a suitable product containing components with distinct keratolytic and hydrating effects is one part of the problem solution.
На сучасному етапі акне відносять до групи дерматозів, які викликають соматопсихічний резонанс внаслідок реального або передбачуваного естетичного дискомфорту. Мета роботи – вивчити якість життя та показники реактивної і особистісної тривожності у жінок з акне залежно від тривалості захворювання.