Abstract. It has been established that the use of various types of orthodontic appliences for the treatment of maxillofacial anomalies is accompanied by a violation of hygienic status, dysbiotic changes in periodontal tissues, changes in mineralization and structure of bone tissue, hemodynamic and microcirculatory disorders, decrease in the local immune response. Orthodontic treatment, having a double effect on the state of periodontal tissues, significantly improves periodontal health, but at the same time it can have negative consequences on the periodontal status of patients, such as: gum recession, loss of epithelial attachment and formation of gum pockets. This causes the rapid development and progression of inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues such as catarrhal and hypertrophic gingivitis, as well as generalized periodontitis in young and able to work individuals. That is why the analysis of this problem is relevant and necessary for deeper understanding of the pathogenesis of the development of this pathology in persons having orthodontic treatment, for its timely diagnosis and prevention.

Key words: periodontal disease, orthodontic appłiences, maxillofacial anomalies, ligature and self-ligating bracket systems.

Introduction. The analysis of scientific literature gives the grounds to systematize the peculiarities of periodontal health and periodontal desease in patiens during orthodontal treatment  by modern appliences.

Considering the high prevalence of periodontal diseases in orthodontic patients on one side, spreading of new orthodontic technologies from another side, the approach has to be actualized.

The aim of the work is to review and analyze modern professional literature on the impact of orthodontic treatment of maxillofacial anomalies on the periodontal status of patients, in particular, the subsiqent pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of periodontal diseases in this category of patients.

 Materials and methods.

To write the article, bibliometric and analytical methods, data from international scientific sources in the field of studying the impact of orthodontic treatment on the state of periodontal tissues were used.