У тезах доповіді описано дослідження впливу методу внутрішньошкірної імунізації нативними автолейкоцитами на розвиток та перебіг COVID-19.
1. Відношення маси мозку щура до загальної маси тіла приблизно в 2,5 рази менше від аналогічного співвідношення в людини. 2. При вивченні мозку щура виявлено, що нюхова цибулина надмірно розвинута в порівнянні з людською і повністю займає передню черепну ямку 3. Як для щитоподібної залози людини так і щура характерна асиметрія часток, має місце домінування правої частки над лівою. 4. Щитоподібна залоза щура здебільшого вирізняється відсутністю перешийка.
The issue of ethics in scientific publications remains both relevant and of paramount importance. The literature has extensively documented misconduct issues, problems in publishing and ethics all around the world. Scimago Journal and Country Rank ranked Ukraine in the 45th position globally, underscoring its significant presence in the global research landscape. Despite the good position, from personal observation in scientific publications in Ukraine, the weak sides are the absence of a clear hypothesis, predatory publication, plagiarism, and incorrect citation. The prevalent tendency in the Ukrainian academic community «to publish for the sake of publication, not to be read or cited» is a concern that should be addressed. This inclination is one of the primary issues contributing to the challenges mentioned above. The academic community in Ukraine must shift its focus toward producing high-quality, impactful research that not only gets published but is also read, cited, and contributes to the advancement of knowledge
Tubal factor infertility is one of the most pressing problems of our time, as this condition makes it impossible for a mature organism to produce offspring. The issue of restoring and preserving reproductive health is one of the priority problems of modern gynaecology and reproductive medicine. Therefore, in terms of reproductive health care as a fertility factor, the main focus is on those strategies that can help reduce reproductive losses. In recent years, Ukraine has been experiencing an insufficient level of reproductive health due to the negative impact of socio-economic instability in the country, martial law, falling living standards, and natural conditions. In addition, the ongoing opioid epidemic is a major burden on society and has a detrimental impact on future generations. Many literary sources contain information about the significant adverse effects of opioids on women's reproduction. The fallopian tube is crucial in the mother's interaction with gametes and embryos. For both human and female laboratory white rats, it takes almost four days for the oocytes to pass through the fallopian tube to the uterus. Defects associated with these processes can lead to infertility, which has motivated a wide range of research into the causes and treatments of pathological conditions of the fallopian tube.The article highlights the links of tubal-peritoneal infertility, namely the effect of the narcotic analgesic Nalbufin on the morphometric parameters of the components of the mucous membrane of the ampulla of the fallopian tube: the thickness of the mucous membrane, the thickness of the mucous membrane lamina propria, the width and length of the fold of the mucous membrane of the ampulla of the fallopian tube of the female white rat.