Dystrophic changes of all periodontal structures and teeth in patients with periodontitis and generalized periodontitis were investigated in the study. Characteristic signs of the gums’ pathological contour, as well as other clinical and radiological features of dystrophy differ in patients with periodontitis and generalized periodontitis and contribute to the improvement of their differential diagnosis. Ultrastructural examination of the patients’ gums with periodontitis revealed disseminated microthrombosis, mucoid edema and fibrinoid transformation of intermediate connective tissue, and coagulation-dystrophic changes in periodontal tissues and cells.
Key words: periodontitis, parodontosis, gingival ultrastructure, coagulation dystrophy
Хірургічний підхід до лікування кісти селезінки у дітей досить суперечливий. Існують різні органозберігаючі операції для лікування дітей із селезінкою, ураженою кістозними ураженнями. Ці хірургічні втручання докладно обговорюються в різних джерелах.
На сьогодні понад 300 млн осіб у світі страждають на одне або кілька рідкісних (орфанних) захворювань. Бульозний епідермоліз (БЕ) – гетерогенна група спадкових захворювань, що характеризується генетичною схильністю до надчутливої реакції організму на незначне пошкодження шкіри утворенням пухирів і ерозій на шкірних і слизових покривах із наступним утворенням рубців. Є одним із найтяжчих спадкових дерматозів. При БЕ патологічні стани виникають і в ротовій порожнині. Отже, пацієнти з БЕ потребують особливого «атравматичного» підходу до виконання медичних маніпуляцій, а також проведення гігієнічного догляду, санації порожнини рота тощо.
Primary splenic cysts (SC) are rare in children and are registered with a frequency of 0.07% to 1.0% of all surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity [2, 7, 13]. Beginning in 1929, when the disease was first reported, the classification of SC changed. SC were classified based on the presence or absence of epithelial membrane, pathogenesis, etc. SC are divided into true cysts, which have an epithelial membrane (SC type 1), and false cysts (SC type 2), in which the epithelial lining is absent. A separate group consisted of pseudocysts. They are usually of post-traumatic origin and are formed in the parenchyma of the spleen or subcapsularly as a result of hematoma transformation, less often – due to an abscess or infarction of the spleen [9, 11]. Depending on the presence or absence of the pathogen, SC are divided into parasitic and non-parasitic [1, 4, 5]. Parasitic SC are usually observed in endemic areas and are caused mainly by Echinococcus granulosus[1, 6, 10]. Modern classification is based on the pathogenesis of cysts and divides non-parasitic SC into congenital, neoplastic, posttraumatic and degenerative [3]. Primary SC account for 10% of all non-parasitic SC and are observed in different pediatric age groups. Most SC are asymptomatic, so they are mostly detected by accident during examinations (ultrasound, CT or MRI). In addition, they can be detected due to complications: suppuration or splenic rupture with bleeding, which requires urgent surgery [10, 12].
Aim: To determine the role of damage to the ultrastructural elements of the periodontal nervous system in the pathogenesis of dystrophic periodontal disease.
Materials and Methods: The basis of the experimental part of the study was the preparation of ultrathin sections from blocks of gum tissue of white rats, which were prepared using the UMTP-3M device. The study and analysis of biopsy samples was carried out with the help of an electron microscope UEMV-100K.
Results: With the help of transmission electron microscopy, it was found that from the rst minutes after the injection of hemolysate of isogenic erythrocytes into the rats, aggregates of erythrocytes, clumps of blood plasma, clusters of brin monomer masses, bundles of brin bers, platelet and homogeneous were present in the connective tissue of the gums, and in particular in the lumens of hemocapillaries microthrombi, which conrms damage to the ultrastructures of the periodontium, which lead to the development of a pathological process, which is described when simple coagulation dystrophy is reproduced.
Conclusions: Coagulative damage to the ultrastructural elements of the periodontal nervous system is one of the important factors in the pathogenesis of dystrophic periodontal damage. Under these conditions, trophic disturbances occur, similar to those that occur when the integrity of the nerve is disturbed – neurotrophic mechanism of dystrophy.
KEY WORDS: Сoagulation dystrophies, generalized decompensated thrombinogenesis, periodontium, nerves of the gingival mucosa membranes