Міоепітеліальні клітини (МК) – характерні для екзокринних залоз, відповідають за синтез позаклітинного матриксу, в основному структур базальної мембрани. МК є епітеліальними за походженням і скоротливими за функцією, за рахунок чого в період лактації в молочній залозі (МЗ), скорочуючись, сприяють виведенню молока з протоки. Дані наукової літератури свідчать, що МК діють яксупресори пухлин та є важливим діагностичним критерієм при патології МЗ, зокрема – для диференціації різних пухлинних процесів.
Мета дослідження: з’ясування гістологічних особливостей та імуногістохімічна верифікація міоепітеліальних клітин в нормі і їх роль при неопластичній трансформації молочної залози.
Opioid analgesics due to their strong analgesic effect are widely used in modern medical practice [7]. It is important, that the duration of opioid analgesic use should be as short as possible to avoid mental and physical addiction, as well as the development of drug tolerance and the risk of overdose. [5,7]. According to the professional medical literature, long-term use of opioids leads to evidential changes in the organism [12], where the pathology of the oral cavity, paradental tissues occupy a leading place in individuals, who abuse with narcotic substances [3]. Dental status in drug addicted people is overloaded by numerous pathological conditions of the tissues of the tooth and mucous membranes of the oral cavity, what complicates the differential diagnosis and treatment [3,4,15]. In addition, despite the improvement in dental health indexes in many countries, the prevalence of paradentitis remains extremely high, there is no standard treatment regimen today [2,14]. Taking into account the fact that the problem of drug addiction is constantly growing, in dentistry, data on the condition of the oral cavity organs, the structural components of the paradentium under the influence of opioid agents, both in clinical and morphological aspects, are extremely necessary. [13]. In this regard, the introduction of etiopathogenetic treatment of paradental diseases of various origins, including drug addiction is an urgent problem of today [3,4,6,8-10]. Paying attention that the issues of pathomorphogenesis and adequate treatment of dystrophic and inflammatory processes that develop in the paradentium under the action of opioid agents are still relevant, there is originated a necessity to develop in experiment an optimal scheme of pathogenetic complex treatment in such conditions.The aim of the research is to study the features of microscopic reorganization of paradental tissues under six weeks of exposure to the opioid analgesic nalbuphine, its four-week withdrawal and medicinal correction using pentoxifylline and ceftriaxone in the experiment.
Gestation and the neonatal period are crucial periods in infant development. Many components of breast milk, including fatty acids, play an important role in strengthening the immune system. The aim of our research was to evaluate the fatty acid profiles of milk from 69 mothers, including subjects having a normal weight, obesity, or gestational diabetes. For the analyses, we used gas chromatography (GC) with flame ionization detection (FID) and GC coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The main fatty acids found in breast milk were palmitic acid (C16:0; 26–28%), linoleic acid (C18:2; 23–28%), and α-linolenic acid linoleic acid (C18:3; 15–17%), followed by myristic acid (C14:0; 5–8%), lauric acid (C12:0; 4–6%) and stearic acid (C18:0; 4–5%). The average breakdown of fatty acids was 50% saturated, 44% polyunsaturated, and 6% monounsaturated. Breast milk samples were classified using principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis. Results showed that milk from the two major groups of obese and normal body mass index (BMI) could be distinguished with an accuracy of 89.66%. Breast milk samples of Hungarian and Ukrainian mothers showed significant differences based on the fatty acid composition, which variations are attributable to the mothers’ dietary habits.
Nowadays, newborns that required prolonged respiratory maintenance for different reasons are more often surviving. Increase in the number of complications is observed on the background of positive clinical effects of certain component of intensive therapy. Search for the factors, which provoke appearance of recurrent bronchial obstruction syndrome, is an important component and basis of prophylaxis.
The aim of our research was to conduct analysis of factors that provoke the development of recurrent bronchial obstruction syndrome.
To build mathematical model of bronchial obstruction development in young children with respiratory disorders in neonatal period,, the method of logistic regression was used
The results of conducted analysis enabled to detect that the presence of respiratory therapy significantly determines the risk of appearance of recurrent bronchial obstruction syndrome and suggest mathematical model of individual calculation of risk factors in this pathology. Data of conduction of mathematical analysis can be used for elaboration of a complex of rehabilitation measures concerning the development of recurrent bronchial obstruction syndrome in children, who suffered respiratory disorders in neonatal period. The highest risk of recurrent bronchial obstruction syndrome development in children born before 29 gestational week with simultaneous combination of prolonged (over 700 hours) total period of respiratory therapy.
Elaborated method of individual calculation of the risk of recurrent bronchial obstruction syndrome development in young children, who experienced respiratory disorders in neonatal period, has practical significance and can be applied in everyday clinical practice.
The development of allergic rhinitis is considered to be caused by the complex interactions between genetic predisposition and environmental factors. Polymorphisms in the interleukin (IL)-13/4/4RA pathway have previously been shown to be associated with atopic diseases. The purpose of this study was to determine the association between IL-13 R130Q, IL-4 T589C, IL4 receptor alpha (IL-4RA) I50V, or IL-4RA Q576R polymorphisms and risk of allergic rhinitis in a hospital-based Malaysian population. A case-control pilot study was undertaken and genotyping of these polymorphisms was performed using polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism on 54 allergic rhinitis patients and 45 healthy individuals. Polymorphism of IL-13 R130Q showed significant difference in genotype (p 0.048) and allele (p 0.002) frequencies in allergic rhinitis when compared with healthy controls. Individuals who were GA heterozygotes (adjusted odds ratio [ORadj] 3.567; 95% CI, 1.211–10.509), and carriers of A allele genotype (ORadj 3.686; 95% CI, 1.300 –10.451) and A allele (ORadj 3.071; 95% CI, 1.514 – 6.232) had an elevated risk of developing allergic rhinitis. The genotype and allele frequencies of IL-4 T589C, IL-4RA
I50V, and IL-4RA Q576R polymorphisms were not significantly different between the allergic rhinitis patients and normal healthy individuals and did not show an associated risk with allergic rhinitis. Our findings indicate that polymorphic variant of IL-13 R130Q appears to be associated with increased risk for development of allergic rhinitis in a hospital-based Malaysian population but not IL-4 T589C, IL-4RA I50V, and IL-4RA Q576 polymorphisms. Additional studies using larger sample size are required to confirm our findings and its exact role in allergic rhinitis.