Інфекційні захворювання дихальних шляхів посідають провідне місце в структурі захворюваності дітей раннього віку. Основними збудниками гострих респіраторних вірусних інфекцій, які викликають симптоми гострого стенозуючого ларинготрахеїту (ГСЛТ), є парагрип, аденовірус, бокавірус, грип. Пандемія коронавірусної інфекції внесла свої корективи в етіологічну структуру хвороб, які ускладнюються ГСЛТ. Попередні штами COVID-19 спричиняли легкий перебіг захворювання, подібний до ГРВІ, або з відсутністю клінічної симптоматики. Проте в 0,8–1 % пацієнтів діагностовані тяжкі ураження легень із гострим респіраторним дистрес-синдромом. При появі штаму омікрон змінилася клінічна симптоматика коронавірусної хвороби: все частіше спостерігалися висока гарячка, що погано коригувалася антипіретиками та розвиток ГСЛТ.

УДК: 577.27:616-056.3:613.287.5]-053.3

Introduction. Cow’s milk protein allergy is an urgent problem in pediatrics and aff ects from 0.5% to 3% of infants under one year. IgE-dependent form is present in 60% of children with cow’s milk protein allergy and occurrence of symptoms is usually observed from several minutes to several hours from the time of allergen consumption. Molecular diagnostics opens many new opportunities for diagnosing diff erent forms of allergy and prognosticating effi cacy of treatment.
Purpose. To assess the eff ectiveness of molecular diagnostics in children with cow’s milk allergy in diff erent therapeutic tactics.
Materials and methods. Inclusion criteria of the investigation: children from six month to three years old, positive skin test to milk (papule ≥3 mm with prick method) and specifi cIgE to milk ≥0.35  kUa/L in the serum, positive oral provocation test (OPT). The children  had clinical changes associated milk consumption. The research did not include patienwith anaphylaxis in anamnesis, present severe concomitant or autoimmune diseasescontraindications to OPT. All 60 patients and their parents or custodians gave written consent to participation in the investigation. Assessment of a molecular profi le was performed for detecting major components of milk (Bos d 8 – casein, Bos d 5 – β-Lactoglobulin, Bos d 4 α-lactalbumin), minor (Bos d 6 – bovine serum albumin) and cross-reactive ones with serum albumin (Fel d 2 – felis domesticus allergen 2, Can f 3 – canis familiaris allergen 3).
Results. The study cohort consisted of 60 cow’s milk allergic patients, randomized into two groups, compared based on age (p=0.88) and gender (p=0.3).
Analysis of a molecular profi le of milk components permitted to detect the highest indices in the group of major molecules: Bos d 4 (2.10 kUa/L in specifi c oral tolerance group and 2.00 kUa/L in elimination diet group), Bos d 8 (1.90 kUa/L and 1.55 kUa/L respectively) and Bos d 5 (0.85 kUa/L and 1.60 kUa/L respectively). A skin prick test papule diameter had a statistically signifi cant correlation with sIgE to milk (r=0.51) and Bos d 8 (r=0.44). Bos d 8 had a statistically signifi cant correlation with papule diameter (r=0.44), as well as with Сan f 3 (r=0.39) and Bos d 4 (r=0.28). Bos d 6 had a statistically signifi cant correlation with Fel d  2 (r=0.64) and Can f  3 (r=0.44). The obtained data confi rm that bovine serum albumin indicates cross-reactivity with animals, particularly a cat and a dog. The children were observed for three years.

Conclusions. 1.Assessment of a molecular profi le is important for diagnosis and treatment of cow’s milk protein allergy irrespective of a choice of therapeutic tactics – specifi c oral tolerance induction or elimination diet. Identifi cation of individually signifi cant food allergens makes it possible to determine individual indications and contraindications for oral provocation test and select the most appropriate treatment, in particular, specifi c oral tolerance induction as a disease-modifying immunotherapy. 2. Cow’s milk protein allergy is basically accompanied by the presence of major molecules, in particular α-lactalbumin (Bos d 4), casein (Bos d  8) and β-lactoglobulin (Bos d  5). 3.  Casein (Bos d  8) is a major thermostable component of cow’s milk protein and has a statistically signifi cant positive correlation with a papule diameter (r=0.44), Сan f 3 (r=0.39) and Bos d 4 (r=0.28). 4. Bovine serum albumin (Bos d 6) is a minor component of milk and has a statistically signifi cant positive correlation with Fel d  2 (r=0.64) and Can f  3 (r=0.44), which indicates crossreactivity with animals, particularly a cat and a dog. 

Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of bronchogenic
carcinoma in pediatric patients. It often has a poor prognosis, and stage 4 of the disease is observed in approximately 50% of the diagnosed cases.1
We present the case of a 17-year-old female patient with a complaint of unproductive cough for 4 months, which intensified during exercises and air temperature changes. Intrusive cough, increased fatigue, and appetite and weight loss were observed. Chest X-ray revealed a right-sided pleural effusion. Drainage of the right pleural cavity was performed and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mbt) was detected in the exudate using polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Diseases of respiratory tract in young children are often accompanied by the development of bronchial obstruction syndrome. Recurrent episodes of bronchial obstruction are a common problem in young children with respiratory disorders in neonatal period. The aim of our work was to test secondary prophylactic measures concerning development and progression of recurrent bronchial obstructive syndrome in young children, who had suffered respiratory disorders in neonatal period. Prophylactic complex included basic therapy (inhalation of glucocorticosteroids—fluticasone propionate or budesonide), administration of immunomodulating drug Ribomunyl and conducting of prophylactic vaccination in specialized inpatient department after prior preparation whith antihistamines.


The feature of disease course was assessed based on the need of using drugs with symptomatic action, frequency of exacerbations, their mean duration and severity in 60 children, who had breathing disorders in neonatal period. Children were randomly divided into two groups. The study of efficacy of secondary prophylactic measures was conducted in 30 children (basic group) and in other 30 patients secondary prophylactic complex was not used (control group).


Algorithm of secondary prophylactic complex included basic therapy involving inhalation glucocorticosteroids, administration of immunomodulatory drug Ribomunyl as recommended and conduction of planned prophylactic inoculations with the use of antihistamines.


In children, who were administered secondary prophylactic complex was a positive dynamics in clinical picture and laboratory data.


Administration of secondary prophylactic complex enabled, to a certain extent, to prevent progression of bronchial obstructive syndrome and achieve a reliable increase in γ-INF, IgA, IgM, IgG levels and decrease in IL-4 (р < 0.01).


Background: In children, facial neuropathy is the most common disease that occurs due to damage of the cranial nerves. Facial nerve palsy (FNP) in children can be congenital or acquired. Congenital FNP may occur at birth due to trauma and with certain genetic syndromes. Acquired FNP can be caused by HSV types 1,2, HHV-6, cytomegalovirus, EBV, VZV, the bacterium B. burgdorferi or can result from inflammatory diseases, trauma and tumors. Unilateral or bilateral FNP is the most common complication of Lyme disease in children. The study that was conducted by Furuta Y. et al. indicates that reactivation of VZV infection is an important cause of acute peripheral FNP in children aged 6-15 years. Case Report: We have described a rare clinical case of bilateral peripheral FNP in a 14-year-old child with a confirmed diagnosis of Lyme disease and reactivation of VZV infection. Conclusions: Prescribed therapy with doxycycline for 21 days and valaciclovir for 7 days made it possible to achieve functional recovery of nerve on both sides.