Introduction Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is characterized by impact on different systems of human body. Recently, several anti-COVID vaccines have been developed. Material and methods In our study, we included two groups of males: GROUP1, anti-COVID vaccinated males, n = 46, and GROUP2, n = 43, non-vaccinated males, who all fell ill with the Coronavirus infection. A level of semen DNA fragmentation was characterized by Sperm DNA Fragmentation Index (SDFI) that was calculated before infection and compared with data at every month after laboratory recovery. The Mann–Whitney test was used to establish differences between parameters, with p <0.05 considered significant. Results Compared with the pre-COVID baseline we registered significant increasing of SDFI in each group of participants: 35.3 ±4.7% vs 18.6 ±5.8% in GROUP1, p = 0.0009, and 41.8 ±5.6% vs 19.2 ±6.1% in GROUP2, p = 0.0006. At the 2nd month after recovery SDFI in GROUP1 and GROUP2 continued to grow and reached its peak to 40.6 ±6.4% and 49.7 ±7.2% respectively. Thereafter SDF indexes in both Groups started to decrease, normalizing at the 7th month after COVID-19 recovery in GROUP1 and at the 9th month in GROUP2. Conclusions COVID-19 causes a gradual increase in semen DNA fragmentation, which peaks at the 2nd month after recovery and is more pronounced in unvaccinated men. Normalization of SDFI occurs no earlier than at the 7th month in vaccinated and at the 9th month in non-vaccinated men.


A dangerous combination of two diseases that have reached pandemic proportions, COVID-19 and type 2 diabetes, have unique features of the comorbid course. Intense inflammation, hypercoagulation, dysglycemia, and immune and renal dysfunction are underlying processes in the pathogenesis of the combination of these diseases. Our study aimed to compare groups of hospitalized patients with moderate to severe coronavirus disease with and without diabetes, paying particular attention to renal function and examining the relationships between markers of renal dysfunction, inflammation, and thrombosis in these patient groups. In total, 79 patients aged 24 to 73 with moderate to severe coronavirus disease were examined. Patients were divided into 2 groups: 1st – without diabetes; 2nd – with diabetes. The clinical picture, laboratory results (additionally determined cystatin C level) and instrumental studies were compared. Correlation analysis was conducted in groups. The group of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus had significantly lower oxygen saturation upon admission to the hospital. A significantly higher concentration of glucose in blood serum (11.3 (8.1; 16.5) mmol/l 5.2 (4.4; 6.6) mmol/l, P<0.01) and a lower creatinine level (106.0 (87.3; 123.0) mcmol/l vs. 129.5 (104.8; 167.3) mcmol/l, P<0.05) were observed in the 2nd group while there were no differences in urea and cystatin C levels. By means of correlation matrices, it was established that inflammation, hypercoagulation, dysglycemia, and impaired kidney function are underlying causes of the coronavirus disease pathogenesis in group 1 of patients. At the same time, inflammation and hypercoagulation are the causes in the group of patients with a combined course of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Although the combined course of coronavirus disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus is prognostically more severe, we found a significantly lower creatinine level in the group of patients with type 2 diabetes.


Background. The macroscopic evaluation of the color and consistency of cow uterine-vaginal mucus (UVM) samples revealed that during days 1–3 of the estrous cycle, 45.4 % of the animals in the studied sample (n = 11) had a clear-glassy color, 27.3 % had blood impurities, 18.2 %, and 9.1 % – altered coloring. Additionally, 36.4 % of the samples had thick-viscous, liquid consistency, while 63.6 % had liquid texture.
Materials and methods. Mucus was collected from experimental animals at 7–8 a.m. on days 1–3 of the estrous cycle. The volume (cm3) was measured and the color and consistency of the secretion were evaluated. Indicators of mass (g) and content (%) of water (H2O), organic substances (OS), and inorganic substances (IS) were determined gravimetrically.
Results. The analysis of the volume and mass indicators of native UVM samples indicates a high (˃95 %) error rate in the registered changes of H2O. However, the error in the sum of the masses OS and IS samples of dry residue (DR) components is completely different. This indicator tends to change on days 1 and 2 (Р ˂0.05), but its stable probability is detected on days 2 and 3, as well as 1 and 3 (Р ˂0.001). Stable changes in the mass OS were detected on days 2 and 3 (Р ˂0.01), while the masses of IS changed on days 1 and 2 (P ˂0.01) and 2 and 3 (P ˂0.001). In all other cases, the error exceeds 95 %.
The mass percentages of H2O, OS, and IS indicate a tendency (Р ˂0.05) for changes in H2O and OS content on days 1 and 3; IS content changes on days 1 and 2, as well as 2 and 3, but the changes on days 1 and 3 are highly stable (Р ˂0.001). Stable changes in the mass of DR components were only observed on days 2 and 3.
The analysis of homeostasis changes in the mass of native samples indicates that the limit of mean values of UVM:Н2О (1.02–1.04:1) ˂ Н2О:OS (67–77:1) ˂ Н2О:IS (82–439:1), but the OS:IS ratios (1.2–5.5:1) of UVM sample align with the OS:IS ratios (1.2–5.5:1) of DR samples.
The limit of Сv for UVM:Н2О, Н2О:OS, Н2О:IS ratio is 0.8–5.3; 19–27; 46–93 % respectively. The OS:IS ratios of native UVM and its DR samples are the same (49; 63; 31 %). The indicators of UVM:Н2О, Н2О:IS, and OS:IS ratios suggest a tendency for change (Р ˂0.05) on days 1 and 3. Their stable changes (Р ˂0.01–0.001) were observed on days 1 and 2, as well as 2 and 3 for Н2О:IS and OS:IS ratios.
Conclusion. Given the above, there is a need for further thorough investigation of the characteristics of the imbalance in the components’ mass of UVM during days 1–3 of the estrous cycle, as well as the response of secretory cells of the mucous membrane of the reproductive organs to the effects of pathological factors. This research will be applied in the development of new methods of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of reproductive tract diseases in female animals.

УДК 534.05:616-008.842/.848

Постійно зростаюча шкодочинна дія ендо- (продукти запальних процесів тканин статевих органів) та екзогенних факторів (умови зовнішнього середовища) на організм жінок і тварин (корови) призводить до суттєвого зниження заплідненості яйцеклітин при паруванні та штучному осіменінні. Тому метою досліджень було виявлені зміни ознак фізичного стану (колір, консистенція, плинність, домішки тощо) та співвідношень (гомеостаз) маси Н2О, органічних (ОР) і неорганічних (НР) речовин матково-вагінального слизу (МВС) використати для оцінки їх шкодочинного впливу на рівень запліднюваності корів після їх першого осіменіння. Для досліджень застосували методи: окомірної оцінки фізичного стану свіжоотриманого слизу; гравіметричної оцінки особливостей змінених параметрів маси складових його сухого залишку (СЗ); математико-статистичного аналізу визначених показників. Визначені гравіметричним методом особливості дисбалансу маси (г, мг), її розподілу (%) та співвідношень (Іm:1, Іс:1) у системі типу «середовище – речовина» за шкодочинної дії ендогенних факторів (продукти запальних процесів) свідчать, що виділеним під час тічки секретам статевих органів властиві не лише зміни ознак, але і в ±2–4 рази інші ніж норма (контроль) показники маси складових. За таких обставин розподіл речовин у зразках СЗ дослідної групи виражено рядом, де маса ОР1˃НР˃ОР2, але контрольної – НР˃ОР1˃ОР2. Це означає, що виділені статевими органами корів продукти запальних процесів змінюють норму гомеостазу маси (розподілу складових) ОР і НР біологічної системи типу «середовище – речовина». Показники отриманих співвідношень маси між парами складових Н2О:СЗ; Н2О:ОР2, Н2О:ОР1, Н2О:НР (контроль – 63:1, 586:1, 231:1, 109:1; дослід – 42:1, 310:1, 87:1, 112:1), за винятком пари Н2О:НР (Р˂0,05), свідчать про наявність вірогідних змін гомеостазу ОР і НР у системі «Н2О – складові». Висока ймовірність (Р˂0,02; ˂0,001) виявлених змін властива системі «СЗ – складові», а саме: якщо середні показники співвідношень пар СЗ:ОР2; СЗ:ОР1; СЗ:НР зразків контрольної групи становлять 9:1, 4:1, 2:1, то дослідної – 7:1, 3:1, 2:1

УДК 619:612.174:612.1:636.4


The primary aim of the work was to study the peculiarities of the influence of endogenous factors (products of inflammatory processes occurring in the tissues of female genitals) in the biological system of type “environment (uterine-vaginal mucus) – substance (water, organic and inorganic substances)” on the indicators of mass (g, mg) of its components. The results of the experiments indicate that their harmful effect changes the color and density of mucus released during estrus (UVM); reduces the parameters of the mass content of H2O and inorganic substances (IS), but increases – organic (OS). Under these circumstances, the distribution of the parameters of the mass of the components of the dry residue (DR, dried at 105 oC) of UVM of cows of the experimental group is presented in a row where the mass of ОS1 (burn at 520–530 oC) ˃IS ˃ОS2 (burn at 650 оС), but for control is another as well as mass of IS˃ОS1˃ОS2. This means that the harmful effects of inflammatory products on the genital tissues of females negatively affect the distribution of the mass of OS and IS in the system “environment-substance”.