УДК 616.13-002-036-053.2-07:616.155.02

Хвороба Кавасакі (ХК)-це гострий системний васкуліт, який є найпоширенішою причиною набутих вад серця в дітей віком до 5 років із гіпертермією. Діагностика ХК є клінічною проблемою, враховуючи широкий спектр її проявів і схожість із багатьма вірусними та бактеріальними захворюваннями

The means and dosage forms of topical therapy depend usually on the clinical course pathological process. In recent years, both in the world and in Ukraine, narrowband UVB phototherapy of psoriasis, because of its efficiency, safety and availability has become a technique of choice in the treatment of psoriasis patients with different clinical course. NB UVB therapy method is self-contained and can be used as monotherapy, but combination of emollient, in our view, adds treat certain advantages. The aim of our study was to examine and evaluate the effectiveness of this method phototherapy combination of emollient in the treatment of psoriasis.

Taking into consideration the latest data on psoriasis problems, namely: a number of uncertain links of etiopathogenesis, possible consistency of disorders of immune system, thyroid and skin microbial landscape as well as failure to achieve long-term and controlled remission demonstrate the relevance and feasibility of further research of dermatosis, which will contribute to improving quality of life for patients by using appropriate methods of therapeutic correction. The aim of our research was to study of skin microbial landscape and immune-endocrine parameters as well as improvement of treatment efficiency in patients with different clinical course of psoriasis by using narrowband UVB phototherapy.

There is a group of coagulation inhibitors, which are antiphospholipid antibodies (APLA). In patients with different phospholipid antibodies, recurrent thrombolytic therapy complications, brain lesions and pregnancy pathology were observed, which allowed identifying APLA syndrome

Making the diagnosis ad oculus in dermatovenereology has been used in practice from ancient times and to the present day. However, modernity and adherence to protocols require dermatologists to use in their practice a number of instrumental and hardware associated techniques and methods for making a diagnosis, which allow determining not only the type, but also, most importantly, the cause of the disease. An early diagnosis is often a decisive factor in the treatment of patients. The punch biopsy followed by histopathological examination is usually the key research method to make or confirm the final diagnosis in complex dermatology cases.