Засіб у формі гелевої композиції для лікування запальних та дистрофічно-запальних захворювань тканин пародонта, який містить як активний компонент бензидаміну гідрохлорид, який відрізняється тим, що містить бензидаміну гідрохлорид у формі розтертої до порошкоподібного стану таблетки Т-септ та додатково містить як активний компонент протефлазід у складі гелевої основи, що містить альгінат натрію, ніпагін та воду для ін'єкцій, при наступному співвідношенні компонентів, мас. %: альгінат натрію 5,0 ніпагін 0,15 бензидаміну гідрохлорид, що відповідає вмісту 1 розтертої до порошкоподібного стану таблетки Т-септу 0,03 протефлазід 15,0 вода для ін'єкцій 79,82.
Ensuring the monitoring of the quality of educational services and the educational process in higher education institutions (HEIs), that offer Educational Programs to train specialists in medical and pharmaceutical branches is one of the health care obligations that Ukraine as a state undertakes. Traditionally, specialists for pharmaceutical manufacturing were trained mostly at the HEIs, which were subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MES), and those for pharmacies and hospital pharmacies were trained at the HEIs, subordinated to the
Ministry of Health of Ukraine (MOH).
In 2016, a single specialty 226 "Pharmacy" was introduced, and in 2017 the title name of the specialty was specified as 226 "Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy". The draft of Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (CMU) "On the Amendments to the List of a branch of knowledge and specialties for higher education" provides dividing of the specialty 226 "Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy" into two separate specialties: 226 "Pharmacy", which remains in the branch of knowledge 22 "Health Care", and 188 "Industrial Pharmacy", which potentially will be transferred to the branch of knowledge 18 "Manufacturing and Technology". The dividing of specialty into two separate ones is pertinent; however, the problem of transfer significantly affects the training of highly qualified human resources. That is why it is important to take out this problem from a limited circle of specialists in the pharmaceutical branch to the general public.
The research aimed to study and summarize the legislation on the current state of specialists training for the pharmaceutical branch by the specialty 226 "Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy", as well as the search for possible ways to solve the educational problem. The following methods were applied: meta-analysis, desk research, comparative analysis and modeling.
It is established the necessity to save the specialty "Industrial Pharmacy" in the field of knowledge 22 "Health Care", as its removal levels the results of specialists training and makes it impossible for the functioning pharmaceutical industry of Ukraine. As a result of this process, obstacles will be created for the research realization, development, and implementation of new medicines and generic drugs. It is extremely important to save the specialty "Industrial Pharmacy" in the field of knowledge 22 "Health Care". This is the only possible way to guarantee the quality of the drugs according to the Complex of Good Pharmaceutical Practices (GMP, GLP, GCP, GDP, GPP, GSP, GEP, GPEP) at all stages of its promotion from manufacturer to the patient, that will facilitate scientific research and development of new safe, effective, high-quality medicines, and also will allow providing training of highly skilled specialists for pharmaceutical branch.