УДК: 614.2:616-073.7:303.4

The aim of this work was to assess the current state of the X-ray diagnostic service in the Lviv region, namely, to identify existing problems and elaboration of ways to solve them.

Material and Methods. A retrospective analysis of the current state of the X-ray diagnostic service in the Lviv region was carried out in comparison with the data throughout Ukraine for 2015-2020 years. The information was received according to the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.

Results and Discussion. Analysis of changes in the total number of X-ray diagnostic apparatuses in the Lviv region for 2015-2020 years showed a slight downward trend in their number. Thus, as of the end of 2020 year, the total number of such apparatuses on the balance of regional health care institutions was equal to 452 units, which is 7,38% less than in 2015year. In the Lviv region and in Ukraine as a whole, there was a decrease in the number of devices of X-ray image amplifiers (X-ray IA) ((by -10,96% and -5,28%) and fluorographs (by -23,08% and - 17,49% respectively). At the same time, there was a significant increase of angiographic apparatuses (by +66,67% and +81,54%), CT scanners (by+40,00% and +26,32%), and mammography machines (by +33,33% and +12,46% respectively). The number of carried-out diagnostic fluorograms for 1 operating apparatus in the Lviv region during the studied period was decreasing, and the same trend persisted in 2020 year as well: Тgrowth2018/2015=-5,07%, Тgrowth2020/2019=-7,64%, just like the quantity of diagnostic fluorograms for one position of a radiologist: Тgrowth2018/2015=-11,76%, Тgrowth2020/2019=-20,78%. While the number of CT per one operating device and on one position of a radiologist in the Lviv region for the last 5 years significantly increased and in 2020 year was equal to 10605 studies /1 device and 220 studies/1 physician, but only in the last year, the growth was by +29,16% and +41,03%, although the number of operating tomographs remained unchanged for the last 5 years (n=5). Such a significant positive trend is explained by intensive work of the X-ray diagnostic service during the Cоvid-19 pandemic.

Conclusions. The decreased frequency of the fluorographic and radiological studies and the increase of the number of diagnostic CT scanners in the Lviv region have been determined. A number of problems in the work of the X-ray diagnostic service have been identified, the most important of which are the significant overload of radiologists, particularly, during the Cоvid-19 pandemic and lack of modern equipment. Modern healthcare is competitive and therefore, in the conditions of today's needs, the development of the most modern visualization technologies is very important, the key of which are computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in the field of radiation diagnostics.

Introduction. The presence of a connection of metabolic syndrome (MetS) with working conditions in various professional groups dictates the necessity to use diagnostics of its presymptomatic phase in the practice of occupational medicine.
The aim was to analyze the indices of anthropometric screening and blood lipid spectre among footwear industry workers with the aim of detecting early metabolic disorders..
Methods. It was conducted a cross- sectional study of 200 footwear industry workers: 119 male (59.5%) and 81 female (40.5%) aged 25 to 62. All workers were divided into groups according to their professional working experience: under 5 years,6 - 14 years, 15 - 21 years. Anthropometric profile indexes were determined: body height (BH), body weight (BW), waist circumference (WC) and hip circumference (HC), body mass index (BMI), waist - to - hip
ratio (WHR). Biochemical indicators of the lipid body balance were assessed by total cholesterol (TCH), triglycerides (TG), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL CH), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL CH), atherogenic coefficient (AC).
Results: Visceral obesity was detected among 60.56% of female work ers and 30.91% male workers. It has been found that the increasing tendency of WHR was associated with the increase of working experience. The share of workers with normal body weight according to BMI accounts for 39.7 - 41.18%.
Lipid metabolism indices among workers with working experience under 5 years do not differ from referent norm and are characterized as dyslipidemia in the experience group of 15 - 21 years. The signs of MetS development were detected in 5.0 - 5.26% (experience group under 5 years), 10.7 - 11.1% (6 - 14 years), and 23.5 - 31.8% (15 - 21 years) of footwear indu stry workers. It was higher in male workers (18.3%), than female (11.7%).
Conclusions. Professional factors in footwear industry increase the risk of develop ing MetS components. Inclusion of anthropometric and lipid statuses assessments into the monitoring of health state will help to detect individuals with early dysmetabolic disturb ances and to develop preventive instruments directed at saving metabolic health of workers in the branch.

It is observed a correlation between the administration of artificial ventilation in the neonatal period and the subsequent formation of bronchopulmonary pathology.
Aim: To study the frequency and the features of the course of broncho-pulmonary pathology in young children who were on artificial ventilation of the lungs in the neonatal period.
Materials and methods: The directions of the selection of medical histories were conducted, which was carried out by artificial ventilation of the lungs for pulmonary causes. The article presents the literature data and own experience of authors, which proves that there is a correlation between the conducted artificial ventilation of the lungs in the neonatal period and the subsequent formation of bronchopulmonary pathology.
Results: The results of a retrospective analysis of 475 children who received respiratory therapy are shown. It is a positive correlation is observed between the duration of artificial ventilation and the incidence of bronchitis (p <0.005) and pneumonia (p <0.005). There is a close correlation between the early introduction of artificial feeding and the development of allergies. We found a positive correlation between the presence of allergic pathology and hereditary predisposition to the development of atopy, gestational age and the development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
Conclusions: In 27% of children who stayed on artificial ventilation during the neonatal period, there was a recurrent broncho-obstructive syndrome in early childhood. Premature children who have undergone acute pulmonary disorder and hereditary hereditary burdens should be considered as a highrisk group for developing bronchial asthma. Repeated episodes of broncho-obstructive syndrome in young children, who during the neonatal period were on artificial ventilation of the lungs, were most often due to bronchial asthma, which was characterized by a severe course 

In in our research, we studied the influence of systematic physical education and sports on the mental component of the personality structure of female students. The aim of the study was to study the influence of physical activity of sports specialization on the formation of the mental component of the personality. To study the dynamics of the indicators of the mental component of the personality structure, the method of longitudinal observation (for two years) was applied for a group of female students aged 18-24 years using a modified form multifactor personality
test based on an adapted questionnaire, which included the study of 11 "leading" qualities: strength "I”, purposefulness, initiative, optimism, leadership, fear, kindness, sociability, ability to make efforts, selfishness, aggressiveness. The survey was carried out at the beginning of the 1st and at the end of the 2nd training. Students of the Faculty of Medicine were divided into two groups: control (CG) and experimental (EG). Classes with students from the CG (n = 12) were carried out according to the curriculum of universities of Ukraine, and with students from four EG (n = 12-13 students in each) according to the author's program developed by us, which took into account the sequential system of physical activity (FA) with the use of physical loads (FL) of sports specialization: rhythmic gymnastics (RG), recreational running (RR - 2000 m), basketball and athletic gymnastics (AG). Physical fitness assessment (PF) of female students was carried out with the help of tests: running 100 m; swimming 50 m; torso tilts; standing long jump; running long jump; running 2000 m. Estimation of the average value (in points) of the mental qualities of the personality of female students showed that among female students from the experimental group, the highest values are possessed by such qualities as: strength of "I" – 7.00 ± 0.76; kindness – 7.09 ± 0.62; purposefulness – 7.33 ± 0.64; initiative – 6.19 ± 0.97, and in the control group the most pronounced quality is
kindness (6.70 ± 0.73). The analysis of indicators of manifestation of mental qualities, activity and purposefulness testify in favor of the experimental group students.
Key words: aggressiveness-peacefulness, initiative, help of physical activity, kindness, power of "I", purposefulness.

SARS-COV-2 – нейротропний вірус, здатний у майбутньому спровокувати масштабний спалах неврологічних ускладнень. Вірусу SARS-COV-2 притаманні нейроінвазивні та нейротропні властивості, які дають йому змогу проникати в центральну нервову систему (ЦНС) й інфікувати нейрони, накопичуватись у нервовій тканині, сприяти розвитку уповільнених нейродегенеративних процесів. Серед неврологічних ускладнень SARS-CoV-2 сьогодні виділяють групу демієлінізуючих уражень ЦНС. Описано два клінічні випадки важкої форми COVID-19, які супроводжувалися неврологічними порушеннями та мультифокальним ураженням білої речовини на МРТ, що може відповідати демієлінізуючому захворюванню ЦНС. Обидва випадки можуть бути проявом гострого інфекційного демієлінізуючого процесу, який пов’язаний із захворюванням на COVID-19, оскільки клінічна картина була відповідною, а нейровізуалізація виявила мультифокальні ураження білої речовини. Іншими клінічними ознаками, що підтверджують цей діагноз, стали попередньо підтверджена гостра вірусна COVID-19 інфекція та відсутність в анамнезі демієлінізуючих захворювань, таких як розсіяний склероз, у обох пацієнтів. Спостереження за такими пацієнтами може допомогти ліпше зрозуміти та виявити фактори розвитку захворювання на ранніх стадіях і визначити предиктори його прогресування. У подальшому, це також дасть змогу розробити ефективні стратегії лікування та можливість знизити ризик розвитку демієлінізуючого процесу або його прогресування під час інфекції SARS-CoV-2.

SARS-COV-2 is a neurotropic virus that can trigger a large-scale outbreak of neurological complications in the future. SARS-COV-2 virus has neuroinvasive and neurotropic properties allow it to enter the central nervous system (CNS) and infect neurons, accumulate in nervous tissue and promote the development of delayed neurodegenerative processes. Among the neurological complications of SARS-CoV-2 to date, we can distinguish a group of demyelinating lesions of the CNS. The paper describes two cases of severe COVID-19, which were accompanied by neurological disorders and multifocal white matter lesions on MRI, which may correspond to demyelinating CNS disease. Both cases may be a manifestation of an acute infectious demyelinating process associated with COVID-19, as the clinical picture was appropriate, and neuroimaging showed multifocal lesions of the white matter. Other clinical signs confi rming this diagnosis were previously confi rmed acute viral COVID-19 infection and the absence of a history of demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis in both patients. Monitoring such patients can help to understand better and identify factors in the early stages of the disease and to predict its progression. In the future, it will also allow the development of eff ective treatment strategies and the ability to reduce the risk of demyelinating process or its progression during SARS-CoV-2 infection.