Background We examined the human toll and the subsequent humanitarian crisis resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which began on 24 February 2022.
Method We extracted and analyzed data resulting from Russian military attacks on Ukrainians between 24 February and 4 August 2022. The data tracked direct deaths and injuries, damage to healthcare infrastructure and the impact on health, the destruction of residences, infrastructure, communication systems, and utility services – all of which disrupted the lives of Ukrainians.
Results As of 4 August 2022, 5552 civilians were killed outright and 8513 injured in Ukraine as a result of Russian attacks. Local officials estimate as many as 24 328 people were also killed in mass atrocities, with Mariupol being the largest (n=22 000) such example. Aside from wide swaths of homes, schools, roads, and bridges destroyed, hospitals and health facilities from 21 cities across Ukraine came under attack. The disruption to water, gas, electricity, and internet services also extended to affect supplies of medications and other supplies owing to destroyed facilities or production that ceased due to the war. The data also show that Ukraine saw an increase in cases of HIV/ AIDS, tuberculosis, and Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Conclusions The 2022 Russia-Ukraine War not only resulted in deaths and injuries but also impacted the lives and safety of Ukrainians through destruction of healthcare facilities and disrupted delivery of healthcare and supplies. The war is an ongoing humanitarian crisis given the continuing destruction of infrastructure and services that directly impact the well-being of human lives. The devastation, trauma and human cos

УДК 616.36-004-036-06:616.12-008.1]-079.4

Liver cirrhosis is a common disease occurring mainly among people of working age and frequently resulting in lethal outcomes. The causes of such epidemiology of liver cirrhosis are syntropic comorbid lesions, in particular lesions of the circulatory system organs. The study was carried out in three consecutive steps, namely: in the first phase the proportion of patients with liver cirrhosis with extrahepatic cardiovascular lesions  was revealed, in the second, the frequency of each  individual cardiovascular disease in patients was evaluated, and in the thirdphase the frequency of cardiovascular system lesions in every severity class of liver cirrhosis in accordance with C.G. Child-R.N. Pugh criteria and correlation between their incidence and class of cirrhosis were revealed. 81.3 % of patients with liver cirrhosis have lesions of the circulatory system, among which cirrhotic cardiomyopathy and disorders in the system of blood pressure regulation with the emergence of persistent arterial hypotension have common pathogenetic mechanisms with liver cirrhosis, namely, they are syntropic, whilst postinfarction cardiosclerosis, angina pectoris,

 acquired heart defects, and painless form of coronary heart disease are concomitant

Background. Antimicrobial therapy is a common practice in pediatrics. Aim. The main objective was to determine and characterize the profile of antibiotic
prescriptions in pediatric outpatients. Methods. This was a retrospective observational study performed in two pharmacies in Lviv (October 2021). 113 written doctor’s prescriptions for outpatient children were collected. Results. Antibiotics were administered for 44.2% (95%CI 34.9%–53.9%) of patients. The main reasons for antibiotic prescriptions were acute tonsillitis (30.0%) and acute upper respiratory tract infections (26.0%). Macrolides, cephalosporins, penicillins, and sulfonamides with trimethoprim presented 40.0%, 36.0%, 20.0%, and 4.0% of antibiotic prescriptions, respectively. Antimicrobials from the Access group accounted for 26.0% of antibiotic prescriptions (instead of at least 60.0%, WHO) and antibiotics from the Watch group constituted 74.0% (instead of a maximum of 40.0%, WHO). Antibiotics were prescribed to 61.9% of outpatients with acute upper respiratory tract infections, 93.7% of patients with acute tonsillitis, and 45.5% – with otitis media instead of the recommended 0-20% (ESAC-Net). The first-line antibiotics were used in 23.1% of cases of acute upper respiratory infections, 26.7% of cases of acute tonsillitis, and 40.0% of otitis media, which is below the acceptable range (80–100%, ESAC-Net). In total, 22 antibiotic-associated drug-related problems (DRPs) were found in 34.0% of written doctor’s prescriptions with antimicrobials. The most common were: (1) excessive length of therapy (36.4%) and (2) potential drug-drug interactions (31.8%). Conclusions. The rate of antibiotic prescriptions for children is high and associated with different DRPs. The majority of antibiotic prescription quality indicators are outside the recommended ranges. Thus, effective interventions and campaigns to improve antibiotic therapy in children are needed.

Новину відредагував: library-lnmu - 7-03-2024, 11:52

The aim: To determine the concentration of markers of the immune-inflammatory response (IL-1β, IL-10, IL-1β / IL-10, hsCRP) in oral fluid in patients with diseases of periodontal tissues in combination with general somatic pathology.

Materials and methods: The study was conducted at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Department of therapeutic dentistry FPGE, Lviv, Ukraine. The patients were divided into two groups: the main group – 144 patients (with periodontal tissue diseases on the background of general somatic pathology) and the control group – 30 somatically and dentally healthy persons, in whose oral fluid was determined the concentration of IL-1β, IL-10, hsCRP by the enzyme immunoassay method.

Results: As a result of our research, it was found that in people with periodontal tissue diseases, against the background of general somatic pathology, there is an activation of the immune-inflammatory response, which aggravates the course of general somatic and dental diseases in this contingent of patients. Conclusions: Therefore, in patients with periodontal tissue diseases on the background of somatic diseases, a significant increase in the level of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1β and hsCRP was determined against the background of a decrease in the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 in the oral fluid compared to the values in the control group.

KEY WORDS: hsCRP, IL-10, IL-1β, oral fluid, periodontal tissue diseases

УДК: 616.314.18-243:34+52.14-(616.359-007.56)]-07

Метою дослідження була оцінка ефективності розроблених схем комплексного лікування захворювань тканин пародонта у хворих із загальносоматичною патологією за динамікою пародонтальних та гігієнічних індексів. Лікування було проведено 134 хворим із запальними та дистрофічно-запальними захворюваннями пародонта на тлі соматичних патологій. Використовували дві розроблені схеми комплексного лікування захворювань пародонта, які включали як місцеву терапію, так і загальні призначення із враху- ванням значень індексу CPITN. Усі хворі були розподілені на 2 групи: основну (73 (54,48 %) хворих), лікування яких проводилось із застосуванням розроблених нами схем, та порівняльну (61 (45,52 %) хворих), у яких лікування пародонтологічної патології здійснювалась за загальноприйнятими схемами. Оцінювали динаміку значень індексів РМА, OHI-S та вакуумної проби стійкості капілярів ясен до лікування захворювань пародонта за ме- тодикою В.І. Кулаженко, через 3, 6 та 12 місяців після лікування. Через 12 місяців у хворих основної групи зауважували покращення усіх індексних оцінок, тоді як у групі порівняння значення даних індексів знаходились нижче вихідних значень. Лікування захворювань пародонта при значеннях індексу CPITN ≤ 2 та > 2 балів на тлі загальносоматичної патології, із застосуванням розроблених нами схем сприяло ліквідації запалення, покращенню гігієни порожнини рота і нормалізації гемодинаміки в тканинах пародонта, що підтверджувалось позитивною динамікою індексних оцінок у найближчі та віддалені терміни спостереження.