УДК 616.72-002.77-06:[616.71-018.4:612.015.7]-073.48-73.75

Вступ. Ревматоїдний артрит (РА) – хронічна системна хвороба сполучної тканини нез’ясованої етіології складного автоімунного патогенезу, яка часто ускладнюється вторинним остеопорозом (ОП), що погіршує перебіг і прогноз основної хвороби.
Мета. Дослідити частоту й характер уражень кісток у хворих на ревматоїдний артрит, виявлених за допомогою ультразвукової та рентгеностеоденситометрії, з’ясувати їх діагностичну цінність для оцінки мінеральної щільности кісткової тканини. 
Матеріали й методи. У дослідження в рандомізований спосіб із попередньою стратифікацією за наявністю РА, діагностованого згідно з критеріями Американської колегії ревматологів та Європейської ліги проти ревматизму (2010) у жінок пременопаузального періоду та чоловіків зрілого віку, включено 74 хворих (62 жінки (84,93 %) і 12 чоловіків (15,07 %) віком від 38 до 60 років (середній вік на час обстеження жінок – 48,67 ± 2,34 року, чоловіків – 45,42 ± 2,78 року)), що лікувалися, вживаючи метилпреднізолон (4,0–24,0 мг/добу) та не отримуючи лікарські засоби для лікування ОП, у ревматологічному відділі Комунального некомерційного підприємства Львівської обласної ради «Львівська обласна клінічна лікарня» з 2013 по 2019 рік (дослідна група – ДГ). Контрольну групу (КГ) створено з 29 здорових осіб (22 жінки (75,86 %) та 7 чоловіків (24,14 %), середній вік жінок на час обстеження 44,95 ± 2,12 року, чоловіків – 40,71 ± 2,75 року) аналогічних статі й віку. Усім хворим проведено оцінку МЩКТ за допомогою ультразвукової кісткової денситометрії п’яткової кістки та рентгеностеоденситометрії кисти.
Результати. Виявлено міцний кореляційний зв’язок між результатами ультразвукової денситометрії п’яткової кістки та рентгеностеоденситометрії кисти, що дає підстави рекомендувати діагностувати зміни МЩКТ обома методами, причому, чутливішим виявився метод рентгеностеоденситометрії. 
Висновки. Застосування обох методів діагностики ОП, а саме – ультразвукової денситометрії п’яткової кістки та рентгеностеоденситометрії кисти у хворих на ревматоїдний артрит є науково обґрунтованим. 

УДК 616.72-002:611-018.4]-07

Introduction. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis(RA)are twice as likely to have osteoporosis (OP) compared to the general population. The strength of bones depends on mineral substances, mainly represented by calciumphos phatemicrocrystals. The chiefrole in the regulation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism is played by vitamin D and parathormone(PTH). 
The aim of the study. To investigate markers of calcium-phosphorus metabolism in patients with rheumatoid arthritis accompanied by bone mineral density (BMD) disorders and to find out their diagnostic value.
Materials and methods. 76 patients with RA (64 premenopausal women and 12 mature men) were included in the study. All patients with RA were subjected toultrasound bone densitometry and according to its results, patients were divided into three groups: patients with RA and osteopenia, patients with RA and OP; RA patients without BMDdisorders. The control group included 22 healthy individuals of both genderswithout BMD abnormalities. To evaluate calcium-phosphorus metabolism, ionized calcium, total calcium, phosphorus, PTH, and vitamin Din blood serum, and levels of calcium and phosphorusin urine were detected.
Results. It was revealedthat concentration of total calcium in blood serum of patients with RA is lower compared tohealthy individuals, while the same index in urine ofpatients with RA accompanied byosteopenia,OP or without BMD disorders is higher compared to healthy people. The concentration of vitamin D is significantly lower in patients with RA and OP compared to patients with RA with osteopenia, without BMD disorders,or healthy individuals. The concentration of PTH is higher inhealthy individuals compared to patients with RA without BMD abnormalities or with osteopenia.
Conclusions. In patients with rheumatoid arthritis with osteopenia orosteoporosis, significantly more often than in patients with rheumatoid arthritis without a violation of bone mineral density, ionized and total calcium, phosphorus in serum and urine, as well asvitamin D indices have deviations from the reference valuesand are of diagnostic significance.

УДК 616.5-002.525.2-031.81:616.1]-06

Introduction. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a disease with numerous clinical manifestations and an unpredictable course. It often lasts for several months or years, with alternating remissions and exacerbations. 

Multiple organs can be affected simultaneously with varying degrees of severity, resulting in treatment- and disease-related comorbidities, including circulatory system diseases, which are one of the leading causes of death of SLE patients.
The aim of the study.To find out the nature and frequency of the circulatory system organs comorbid lesions in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, to characterizethemdepending on the gender, age and the disease duration.
Materials and methods. Prior to performing the study all patients signedthe voluntary consent to participate in accordance with the requirements of Helsinki Declaration of Human Rights, the Council of Europe Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine. The cohort under investigation included 112 patients with diagnosed SLE of dif-ferent severity with preliminary stratification as follows: females 89.29 %, patients of working age (57.14 % – young and 39.29 % – middle aged), unemployed(58.04 %), III disability grouppatients(45.54 %), city residents (62.50 %).According to the results of the diseaseduration assessment, a significant numberof patients with SLE and circulatory system organs comorbid lesions have been ill for 1–5 years (36.61 %) and more than 10 years (38.39 %). All of them were patients of the rheumatology department of the Communal Non-Profit Enterprise of the Lviv Regional Council "Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital" from 2016 to 2021.The research was carried out in several stages, duringwhich the nature and frequency of the circulatory system comorbid lesions with respect to gender, age and disease duration were estimated.
Results. While completingthe study, almost half of patients with SLE were diagnosed with Raynaud’s syndrome, mitral valve insufficiency and atherosclerosis, about 1/3– with myocarditis, retinal angiopathy, symptomatic arterial hypertension and livedo reticularis. Thevaricose veins of the lower extremities, hypertensive disease, diffuse cardiosclerosis, tricuspid valve insufficiency, veinthrombosis, post-thrombophlebitis syndrome, aortic valve insufficiency, capillaritis, pulmonary hypertension, coronary artery disease (CAD) includingstable angina pectoris, cardiomyopathy and post-infarction cardiosclerosiswere found with the decreasing frequency. Raynaud’s syndrome was significantly more often diagnosedin femalesand young people;retinal angiopathy, livedo reticularisand symptomatic arterial hypertension – in femalesand those patients whose SLE lastedfor more than 10 years;myocarditis, varicose veins of the lower extremities – in males;capillaritis – in patients with the shortest duration of SLE;atherosclerosis and mitral valve insufficiency – in elderly patients and patients with SLE lastingfor6–10 years;veinthrombosis and stable angina – in elderly patients and those with SLElasting for more than 10 years; hypertensive disease, diffuse cardiosclerosis, aortic valve insufficiency, post-infarction cardiosclerosis werethe most characteristic for theelderly patients with SLE.
Conclusions. In patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, a number of circulatory system organs comorbid lesions were found. Having studied their nature and frequency, characterizing them depending on gender, age and the disease duration, we found out the certain features that should be taken into considerationduring the screening examination of circulatory systemdisorders inpatients with systemic lupus erythematosus and providing them the
integrated care to improve their lifequality. With this in mind, systemic lupus erythematosus requires further detailed study.

УДК 616.311.2-002+616.314.17-008.6)]-06:616.1/.4

The role of periodontal pathology and oral cavity condition in the occurrence of general somatic diseases

Z. M. Honta, I. V. Shylivskyy, O. M. Nemesh, Kh. B. Burda

 Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine

 The aim of the study is a review of modern home and foreign literature on the influence of the state of the oral cavity and the pathology of periodontal tissues, and in particular generalized periodontitis, on the occurrence and severity of the course of diseases of internal organs and body systems.

Inflammatory-dystrophic periodontal diseases lead to an increase in the level of chronic inflammatory agents due to the systemic spread of inflammatory mediators released during local tissue destruction, as well as the systemic spread of pathogenic microorganisms, which contributes to the development of cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract, complicates the course of diabetes mellitus and respiratory diseases in patients with periodontal diseases. That is why the study of pathogenetic interrelations of periodontal diseases and comorbid conditions is an urgent problem of modern dentistry.

Conclusions. Considering that certain extraoral pathologies arise as a result of damage by disseminated periodontopathogens may provide new therapeutic opportunities to reduce the risk of developing comorbid conditions etiopathogenetically associated with generalized periodontitis. The data of clinical and experimental studies that are presented in this literature review definitely show the need for timely treatment of periodontal diseases, which provides not only the health of the oral cavity, but also prevents the occurrence of general somatic diseases.

Key words: periodontal disease, generalized periodontitis, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

УДК 616.36-004:616-007.251:616.71-007.234]-07

Introduction. The problem of osteoporotic fractures and the evaluation thresholds forintervention in patients with liver cirrhosis (LC) remains obscure so far.Ukrainian model offracture risk assessment (FRAX®) has never been implemented among patients with LC in Ukraine.

The aim of the study. To find out the peculiarities of the Ukrainian model of Fracture Risk Assessment, its diagnostic and prognostic value for implementation among patients with liver cirrhosis accompanied by impaired bone mineral density.

Materials and methods.90 patients with LC(27 women and 63 men aged 18 to 66 years) were randomly assignedinto the study. Stratification into groups was based on information about bone condition. 72 patients were included intoan experimental group (EG, patients with impaired bone mineral density (IBMD), which was divided into two subgroups – EG A (patients with osteopenia, 46) and EG B (patients with osteoporosis, 26). Controlgroup (CG) included18 patients without IBMD.

The peculiaritiesof the fracture risk factors and evaluation thresholds according to the Ukrainian FRAX® model (2019) amoung patients with LC with bone disorderswereestablished (significant differences betweenfrequency of features in groups and substantial stochastic associations of featureswithIBMD or its manifestations were investigated). The diagnostic characteristcs (diagnostic value,predictive value, likelihood ratio) of the detected features for IBMDin general,osteopenia and osteoporosis in particular, were revealed, and after that the post-test probability of certain bone disorders was determined among all patients with LCin the case ofapplying the identified features.

The results.It was found that although most of the risk factors occurred more often in patients with bone disorders, significant differences were detected only between the frequency of previous fractures in EGand CG, including EGB and CG,and EGA and EGB; between the frequency of cases of normal body weight, as well as overweight in EGand CG, including EGB and CG. The evaluation thresholdsaccording to the Ukrainian FRAX® model also differed significantly: the values above the upper evaluation threshold – in EGB and CGand in EGA and EGB; theintermediatevalues of fracture risk – in EGA and CG; the values below the lower evaluation threshold – in EGand CG, as well as in EGA and CGand in EGB and CG, including. Bone disorders had a substantialdirect stochastic associationin the following cases: IBMD in general – with the previous fractures, normal body weight and values above the upper evaluation threshold; osteopenia – with the previous fractures, normal body weight and intermediate values of fracture risk; osteoporosis – with the previous fractures, normal body weight andvalues abovethe upper evaluation threshold.All manifestations of bone disorders had substantial negativestochastic association with overweight and values below the lower evaluation threshold, as well as osteoporosis withshort height (indicates that features are inherent for normal bone mineral density).

It was foundoutthat fracture risk factors and evaluation thresholdsaccording to the Ukrainian FRAX® model are mainly single-vector markers, since they can confirm the disease beingdetected, or deny it in thecasethey are absent. The previous fractures are highly specific for IBMD, especially for osteoporosis, and can be useful for confirming these disorders beingpresent in patient with LC.The normal body weight is medium-specific for IBMD and for osteoporosis, but can be more useful for indicating IBMD if it is present, andexcluding osteoporosis being absent. The values above the upper evaluation threshold according to the Ukrainian FRAX® modelare highly specific forosteoporosis and can confirm osteoporisis being present. The intermediate values of fracture risk according to the Ukrainian FRAX® modelare medium-specificfor osteopenia, but can be more useful forexcluding osteopenia if they are absent. The overweight,especially the values below the lowerevaluation threshold, will most likely indicatenormal bone mineral density.

Conclusions.The use of the Ukrainian modelofFracture Risk Assessment (FRAX®) has certain peculiarities and can be valuable tool for detecting or excluding impaired bone mineral density in patients with liver cirrhosis.