The mechanisms of formation of male infertility are increasingly becoming immune dependent. This study aims to study the role of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in seminal fluid to clarify their role in spermatogenesis. This research is carried out at rheumatology and urology departments of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (Ukraine). 45 infertile men aged 22–48 were examined. They were divided into 2 groups: first group – 22 men with a systemic autoimmune disease – rheumatoid arthritis; second group – 23 somatically healthy patients with idiopathic infertility. The control group included 27 fertile healthy men aged 22–48 years. Student's t-test was used to compare the significant difference in mean values between groups. Patients with autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis) had the highest rate of leukocytospermia, indicating a possible long-term inflammatory process. The TGF-β1 level was higher in men with idiopathic infertility, and in patients with autoimmune pathology was reduced compared to the control group, however these changes were not significant. At the same time in patient of both group the level a pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-18 increased approximately by 2.5 times.
In patients with idiopathic infertility and patients with autoimmune pathology, a simultaneous increase in the IFN-γ level and a decrease in the IL-1β level were found. The ІL-6 level in seminal plasma of infertile men of both groups was increased. The ratio IL-10/TNF-α was decreased in seminal plasma of infertile men with rheumatoid arthritis. It was found that in autoimmune pathology, the increased level of IL-1β in blood serum compared to controls was associated with its reduced level in seminal fluid (r=-0.51, p<0.05). In idiopathic infertility, a low level of IL-1β in seminal fluid was also associated with a low concentration of this cytokine in blood serum (r=0.62, p<0.05). The functioning of the immune and reproductive systems of the male body is closely related and interdependent. Disorders of immune reactivity, which accompany the development of autoimmune pathology associated with disorders of reproductive function in men. The largest number of deviations of immune reactivity was found in infertile men with concomitant autoimmune diseases.

 Some cases of asymptomatic traumatic cyst can be sizeable; therefore, they require complete curettage and grafting with bone substitution materials. This case report presents a sizeable traumatic mandibular cyst in a young man treated by surgical exploration and flled with autologous dentin graft (ADG) prepared from extracted an impacted tooth 48 (FDI tooth-numbering system) and advanced platelet-rich fbrin (A-PRF). Initially, an A-PRF membrane was used to cover the apices of teeth 42 and 43, which were protruding into the defect to protect their periapical structures. Then, a grafting strategy was introduced to achieve two fronts of bone formation: one by stimulation of bone outgrowth from the periphery due to A-PRF cellular activity, and a second by bone deposition directly on dentin particles in the center of defect. On CBCT scans performed 7 months postoperatively, arrays of trabeculae that were extending from bone boundaries of the cyst defect were merged with more condensed bone deposited on ADG residuals in the center, thus flling the defect. It was found that autologous dentin combined with cellular A-PRF activity is a powerful tool to restore even sizable bone defects in a relatively short time frame with adequate bone remodeling. 

One of the urgent problems of modern medicine is to understand and explain the structural rearrangement of organs and tissues in the course of diabetes. The article presents the results of a comprehensive morphological study of the structural organization of micro- and macrovasculators, as well as some organs under conditions of diabetes mellitus in the experiment.  The study material constituted 52 adult outbred white male rats, with the average weight of 150-180 g, 4,5-6,5 months old. The following research methods were applied: histological, electron microscopic, biochemical, experimental modeling of streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus, morphometric and statistical. It was found that diabetic microangiopathy develops after 2 weeks of experimental diabetes, while after 4 weeks of the experiment there were some structural changes in the aorta observed. Furthermore, after 6 and 8 weeks, some profound destructive changes in the mandible and testis were revealed.  The obtained results may be used as fundamental data for the development of new methods for diagnosis, prevention and treatment of pathology of the cardiovascular system, oral cavity and male reproductive system caused by diabetes.

Introduction. To determine the primary events of gingival microvascular complex damage caused by inflammation (28 days) on an acidotic model of periodontitis in 36 white mongrel rats, and to clarify regulatory factors of the structural recovery after metabolic correction (14 days). Materials and methods. Expression and severity of gingival inflammation were visually analyzed with an ANOVA test. The gingival tissue specimens were examined (x 4000-6000) after 42 days with a transmission electron microscope JEM-100 CX II (JEOL, Japan). Results and discussion. Vacuolation of the endothelial cells' cytoplasm, thickening and loosening of the basal lamina, narrowing of the microvascular lumen, aggregation of the red blood cells and dilation of perivascular space were characteristic features of inflammatory derangement. A significantly lower severity of gingival inflammation (p < 0.05), thin condensed basal lamina …

The aim: of our work was investigation of dystrophy in periodontal tissues and an attempt to establish the correlation between dystrophy in the periodontium and presence of intestinal disbacteriosis.
Materials and methods: Clinical-radiological examination was carried out in 146 patients with generalized periodontal pathology at the age from 26 to 59 years old. Among them in 92 persons generalized periodontitis was diagnosed and in 54 – periodontosis. The rst stage of heaviness of the pathological process in the periodontium was revealed in 50 patients with generalized periodontitis and 28 persons with periodontosis. Other patients su ered from heavier forms of periodontal pathology (II and III stages), 42 persons with generalized periodontitis and 28 persons with periodontosis accordingly. Bacteriological analysis of feces for disbacteriosis was carried out in all patients.
Results: Changes in the physiological contour of the gums (that is macro relief of marginal periodontium) were found in the majority of examined patients. Because of the development of pathological gingival contour and recession of the gums, 72,5% of examined patients su ered from root denudation and di erent pathological conditions of roots cement structure – pigmentation, demineralization, wedge-shaped defects, caries. According to our clinical investigations it was found out that in majority of patients (83%) both in ammatory and dystophic changes were present, only 17% of patients had purely atrophic process in the periodontium without in ammation. In patients with GP and periodontosis, in whom dystrophic changes were accompanied by in ammation, clinical appearance was more expressed with redness, bleeding and suppuration from the pockets, thus hiding dystrophic signs.
Conclusions: According to clinical and radiological ndings numerous dystrophic changes were found in all structures of the periodontium and teeth of patients with periodontosis and generalized periodontitis. Changes intensify in disease progressing into the II-III stages. In patients with periodontosis clinical- radiological peculiarities of dystrophy were revealed in early stages of disease progression, while in generalized periodontitis dystrophic changes become apparent in late stages of disease. The presence of colon disbacteriosis was established in patients with periodontosis and generalized periodontitis. Disbacteriosis intensi es when diseases progress into II-III stages of heaviness. These data indicates to possible correlation between the development of dystrophic changes in periodontal tissues and the presence of intestinal disbacteriosis.
KEY WORDS: intestinal disbacteriosis, generalized periodontitis, periodontosis, dystrophy, gingival contour