The objective of this study was to assess the consumption of antibiotics in children using the «AWaRe» classification of antibiotics (WHO, 2017) and metrics such as days of therapy (DoT) and length of therapy (LoT) per 1000 patientdays (PD). Antibiotics were administrated to 91.1% of inpatients in 2019 and 68.2% in 2021 (p<0.05). The main reason for antibiotic prescription was acute bronchitis in both study periods. Total DoT/1000 PD increased from 717.0 in 2019 to 760.0 in 2021 (p<0.05), and total LoT/1000 PD from 679.0 to 717.4 (p<0.05). Administration of antibiotics from the Access group decreased from 2.1% in 2019 to 1.8% in 2021 (p>0.05), antibiotics from the Watch group increased from 90.7% to 97.3% (p>0.05). Although a statistically significant reduction in the antimicrobial prescription rate, we found a considerable increase in (1) prescription antibiotics with a high risk of antimicrobial resistance, and (2) the main units of antimicrobial consumption.
UDC 615.03:615.276
The aim. To assess pharmacotherapy of hospitalised patients with coronary heart disease in Ukraine, identify the types of drug-related problems, and recommend interventions to improve the management of cardiac inpatients.
Materials and methods. The objects of the study were 25 medical records of inpatients with coronary heart disease complicated by heart failure and atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis. Methods applied: systematisation, generalisation, comparison, clinical and pharmaceutical approach. The statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS Trial.
Results. A comprehensive retrospective study was conducted to assess the management of cardiovascular diseases. In total, 25 patients were prescribed 62 drugs. It was established that 53.5 % of medicines were "Agents affecting the cardiovascular system"; out of them, 26.9 % were "other cardiac drugs" (C01E) used for enhancing cardiac energy metabolism. The study identified 597 drug-related problems (DRPs) (23.9±12.6 DRPs per patient) with the drug-drug interactions prevalence (62.6 %). Other common groups of DRPs were: (1) no indications for drug administration (8.5 %), and (2) despite indications, the drug was not prescribed (8.2 %). 99 DRPs (16.6 %; 95 % CI:13.7-19.8 %) were associated with "other cardiac drugs". They included 4 types of DRPs: (1) no indications for drug administration (33.3 %); (2) insufficient duration of the treatment (31.3 %); (3) drug-drug interactions (22.3 %); and (4) insufficient dosage or frequency of use (13.1 %).
Conclusion. Our findings suggest that the treatment of cardiac inpatients is associated with numerous DRPs. Thus, we formed a list of recommendations to improve the management of cardiovascular diseases in hospitalised patients
Надалі для ліків визначали склад акmивниxфармацевmичниxінгредіснmів, фармакоmерапевmичну групу mа / або показання до засmосування. Cеред запиmів іденmифіковано нарко- mичніmа псиxоmропнілікарськізасоби,обігякиxвУкраїні обмежено, а mакож незарессmровані в Україні ліки (28,4%),длязабезпеченняраціональногозасmосування якиx може виникнуmи необxіднісmь у наданні більш повної фармацевmичної опіки.На нашудумку, оmримані резульmаmи варmо включиmи в навчальний процес, із викорисmанням у m.ч. кейс-менеджменmу на основі оmриманиx запиmів mа відповідей на ниx.
Висновки. Omримані резульmаmи засвідчуюmь, що в умоваx надзвичайниx сиmуацій, зокрема запроваджен- ня воснного сmану, часmину необxідниx послуг клінічної фармації можна реалізовуваmи через діяльнісmь професійниx груп у безкошmовниx месенджераx. Пріориmеmним серед послуг клінічної фармації виявилося надання фаxової інформації про ліки mа вироби медичного призначення. Вважасмо доцільним акmивізуваmи розвиmок e-клінічної фармації, особливо в часи кризового менеджменmу, зокрема віmчизняного.