УДК: 621.382

Розглянуто проблематику побудови засобів магнітної діагностики плазми в термоядерних реакторах наступного покоління. На основі проведеного аналізу запропоновано новий підхід до реалізації функціонально інтегрованих пристроїв вимірювання магнітного поля у таких реакторах, новизною яких є поєднання сенсорів Холла та індукційних котушок. Такий підхід забезпечує періодичне in-situ самокалібрування сигнальних трактів, а відтак підвищення точності пристроїв магнітної діагностики в жорстких умовах експлуатації. Подано результати розроблення апаратно-програмної системи, основними компонентами якої є 3Dзонд, що поєднує сенсори Холла та індукційні котушки, аналоговий фронт-енд сигнального
перетворення та програмні засоби подальшого цифрового перетворення сигналів. Відповідно до концепції злиття даних подано структуру та послідовність калібрування функціонально інтегрованих пристроїв магнітної діагностики термоядерних реакторів, а також програмне забезпечення для аналізу шумових стохастичних процесів вимірювальних кіл на основі дисперсій Аллана.
Ключові слова: сенсор; магнітне поле; інтегрування сенсорів; злиття даних; калібрування.

The analysis of magnetic diagnostics in next generation thermonuclear reactors is carried out. Based on this analysis, the new approach of magnetic field measurement in hard radiation and temperature condition is presented. The concept is based on data fusion concept by integration of Hall sensor and coil. High precision of magnetic field measurement insures on periodic in-situ calibration, namely, forming by the coil test magnetic field of known magnitude and measuring the signals of the Hall sensor, which are due to this test field. According to the results of measuring the test signals, the coefficients of the measuring conversion function are calculated. Main calibration issues of functionally integrated devices on Hall sensors and coils are detailed. Measurement system consists a functionally integrated 3D probe on Hall sensor and coil, analog front-end and software. Currently six sets of such devices have been installed for trial operation in JET (Oxford, GB).

The analysis of fusion methods at the pixel level is carried out in the paper. Their mathematical models in the MATLAB package are implemented. The most effective methods of visible and infrared ranges image fusion are determined by evaluating the effectiveness of methods using the authors' proposed improved method of evaluating the informativeness of images and known metrics. These studies were conducted on a set of test images consisting of ten pairs of spatially synchronized images obtained in the visible and thermal ranges of electromagnetic waves.

This work presents main approaches to developing a programmable mixed-signal front-end for sensor electronics based on signal transimpedance amplification and integration. In accordance to Internet of Things concept requirements a Programmable System on Chip PSoC 5LP is used for mixed-signal front-end implementation. In comparison to the basic transimpedance amplification and integration circuits, the output voltage of new solution is modulated over the whole voltage range of the power supply. As a result, the enhanced resolution and accuracy of further analog-to-digital conversion are obtained. Simulation and experimental results of parameters investigations have been presented.

The work is devoted to the problem of developing a portable and easy-to-implement spectral express analyzer prototype for MEMS optical systems. The novelty of this study is new approaches to photodiode signal converting and the technique of spectral express analysis. The signal converter is implemented on the principle of trans-impedance amplification, which ensures high linearity of the conversion of the input photocurrent into the output voltage and a wide frequency band. Model studies with the approximation of spectral characteristics by mathematical Gaussian functions were used for the express analysis. The hardware and software of the express analyzer based on Color Light-to-Digital Converter TCS3400 are presented. The results of the work are used to study the parameters of MEMS mirrors of optical systems and develop optical sensors based on them.

The work is devoted to the problem of developing the structure of an organic light-emitting diode (OLED) and mixed signal front-end with extended functionality, specifically, in-situ measurement of the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of the structure directly during their operation. The OLED structure uses long-term thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) of the TPAPm organic film. The measurement of I-V characteristics of OLED structures is carried out on the transient processes of voltage formation in the step-up circuits of the drivers. The OLED front-end is implemented on a programmable system on a PSoC chip of the 5LP Family Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. The results of the work are used for optical MEMS sensors using organic light sources.