UDC 618.11-007.1

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), an endocrine and metabolic disorder in women of reproductive age, is characterized by high androgen levels, irregular periods, and small cysts in the ovaries. PCOS affects approximately 10 % of reproductive age women of all races and ethnicities. PCOS has been recognized to affect women of reproductive age since antiquity and in the 21st century, it emerges as the most widespread and serious reproductive metabolic disorder in the world. PCOS is a multifactorial disorder that affects both the reproductive and metabolic health of women. In addition, PCOS is a leading symptom of infertility in women. Nevertheless, women with PCOS who become pregnant unfortunately have an increased risk of complications, such as gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), preterm birth. Many people believe GDM disappears after childbirth, despite the fact that GDM is a warning symptom of type 2 diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease. According to growing evidence, GDM complicates 40 % of PCOS pregnancies, suggesting that PCOS is a risk factor for GDM. Hence, PCOS is a lifelong disorder that can eventually lead to various long-term health complications, including chronic menstrual irregularity, infertility, endometrial hyperplasia, and endometrial cancer. Thus, it’s a scientific fact that both PCOS and GDM are significantly associated with each other. However, most studies on the risk of GDM in PCOS patients are retrospective. Therefore, there is no strong evidence whether PCOS is a risk factor for GDM or any other related factor. PCOS, a polygenic endocrinopathy, is in a true sense a set of diseases that worsen the state of the body. Reproductive and metabolic disorders associated with PCOS cause several clinical symptoms, such as irregular and painful periods, hirsutism, acanthosis nigricans, acne, psoriasis, anxiety, mood swings, patterned baldness, cardiovascular problems, type 2 diabetes, infertility, pelvic pain, low libido, low self-esteem, etc. Further studies are needed to understand the genetic and epigenetic contributions of PCOS, PCOS-related comorbidities, the role of placenta in nutrient availability, and influence of medications that may affect the long-term offspring health.

Aim: To study the process of hemoglobin oxidation and the enzymatic reactions associated with it.
Materials and Methods: Heparinized human blood (15 IU/ml) was obtained from the clinical department. The concentration of oxy- and methemoglobin,
auto-oxidation of hemoglobin was determined spectrophotometrically spectrophotometrically. Autooxidation of hemoglobin was recorded spectrophotometrically, and protein concentration was determined by the Lowry method. Monooxygenase activity of hemoglobin was also measured by the method described
by Lowry spectrophotometrically. The concentration of O2 and H2O2 in the reaction media was determined on a biomicroanalyzer OR 210/3 (Redelkis).
Results: The obtained experimental data allow us to propose a mechanism of “spontaneous autooxidation” of oxyhemoglobin, which can be described by
the following equations:
Hb2+O2 = Hb3+ + O2 (1)
Hb2+O2 + 2e- + 2H+ = Hb3+ + H2O2 (2)
Hb2+O2 + 2e - + 2H+ = Hb2+ + H2O2  (3)
Hb2+ + O2 =  Hb2+O2 (4)
Spectral characteristics of the process of “spontaneous auto-oxidation” indicate the formation of a metform of hemoglobin, the depletion of oxygen by the system was established, at pH 5.6, an increase in the monooxygenase activity of hemoglobin is observed 3-4 times compared to the physiological level.
Сonclusions: In addition to the main, previously known functions of hemoglobin (gas transport, peroxidase, monooxygenase), it catalyzes a two-electron
oxidase reaction in which O2
 is reduced to H2O2. This is confirmed by experimental data on the formation of one of the products of “spontaneous autoxidation”
of oxyhemoglobin _ deoxyform at pH 5.6 _ 8.9.
 KEY WORDS: oxyhemoglobin, methemoglobin, autooxidation, monooxygenase activity, oxidase reaction, ligands

У статті представлено огляд літературних даних щодо метаболізму цинку в організмі людини. Цинк – один із найважливіших мікроелементів, бере участь у численних аспектах клітинного обміну. Необхідний для каталітичної активності ферментів та відіграє роль у забезпеченні імунної функції організму, синтезі білків, синтезі ДНК і клітинному поділі, загоєнні ран, тощо. Цинк також забезпечує нормальний ріст і розвиток організму під час вагітності, дитинства та підліткового віку. Метаболізм цинку тісно пов’язаний з обміном інших хімічних елементів.
Ключові слова: цинк, метаболізм, порушення, імунна система.