UDC 615.322:615.451.1

Actuality. The widespread use of herbal drugs with anti-inflammatory and nephroprotective properties stimulates the search for new active biological substances. Of particular interest are plants from the Ranunculaceae family, especially Anemone nemorosa, which contains a range of potentially bioactive components such as anemonin, protoanemonin, and others. Understanding the acute toxicity, anti-inflammatory, and hypoazotemic activity of Anemone nemorosa extracts opens possibilities for the development of new therapeutic agents based on this plant. Materials and methods. Ethanol extracts were obtained from the aerial parts of Anemone nemorosa harvested during the flowering period. The study included the examination of oral acute toxicity conducted on Wistar rats over 14 days, anti-inflammatory activity using the carrageenan-induced paw edema method in Wistar rats, and hypoazotemic activity on models of healthy and acute renal failure in Wistar rats. Results. The extracts showed no acute toxicity at the administered dose. It was established that the oral administration of the extracts is non-toxic up to a dose of 200 mg/kg body weight. The anti-inflammatory tests did not reveal significant therapeutic effects. However, the hypoazotemic tests demonstrated a reduction in blood urea and creatinine levels, and an increase in these indicators in urine, especially under conditions of acute renal failure, indicating a strong diuretic effect of the extracts. Conclusions. The Anemone nemorosa extracts exhibited strong hypoazotemic and diuretic activity, which may be beneficial for the treatment of kidney diseases. The absence of anti-inflammatory activity requires further analysis and possible modification of extraction methods. The study results support the potential use of this plant in developing new nephroprotective phytopreparations. © O. Khropot, Yu. Konechnyi, G. Lavryk, I. Tymchuk, O. Pinyazhko, V. Lubenets, R. Konechna.

Author keywords

Acute toxicity; Anemone nemorosa; Anti-inflammatory activity; Extracts; Hypoazotemic activity; Ranunculacea

Aim: To determine the frequency of NOD2 gene c.3019-3020insC (rs5743293) and c.2104C>T (rs2066844) allelic variants in the patients with Crohn’s disease (CD), colorectal cancer (CRC) and in the control groups and to study the association of these mutations with the onset time of the diseases, gender and surgical interventions. Materials and Methods: The diagnoses of CD and CRC were established based on standard clinical examination and laboratory tests. Molecular genetic study of a frameshift 3020insC mutations of NOD2 gene were performed in 54 patients with CD; missense R702W mutations of the NOD2 gene — in 41 CD patients and 38 healthy controls. In CRC group, 3020insC mutation was tested in 48 patients, R702W mutation — in 40 patients and 40 healthy controls. PCR-RFLP technique was used to identify the mutations. Results: The frequency of the minor allele (M) of 3020insC mutation of NOD2 gene in the patients with CD was significantly higher than in the control group (р = 0.01). The age at CD onset in females carrying 3020insC mutation was significantly lower (22.5 ± 1.6 years) when compared with females without the mutation (32.7 ± 2.5 years) (p = 0.002). There was no significant difference in the allele frequencies and genotype distributions of R702W mutation in the patients with CD in comparison with the controls. The mean age at CD onset in the patients carrying R702W mutation was significantly lower (28.4 ± 1.4 years) compared with the patients without the mutation (39.4 ± 2.8 years) (p < 0.01). Surgical interventions for CD was required in 40.0% of 3020insC mutation carriers. Among patients with CRC, only 4.2% carried 3020insC mutation and 20.0% R702W mutation. Our study suggests that R702W and 3020insC mutations are not associated with the risk of CRC in Ukrainian patients. There was no statistically significant difference in mean age at CRC onset in patients with/without R702W mutation. Only one patient with CRC had two mutations. Conclusion: The earlier age at CD onset was associated with 3020insC mutation, but only in female patients. The association between R702W mutation and the earlier age of CD onset was found. Patients with 3020insC mutation showed a trend to a higher frequency of surgical interventions for CD.
Key Words: 3020insC and R702W mutations of NOD2 gene, Crohn’s disease, colorectal cancer, disease onset, gender, surgical interventions.