УДК 578.834:616-076-092.4:57.02:599.323.42 

Анотація. Наведено перші результати досліджень по створенню експериментальної моделі коронавірусної інфекції COVID-19 на лабораторних хом’яках лінії P. Roborovski. Тварин інфікували інтраназально біоматеріалом, взятим з епітелію носоглотки від хворих на COVID-19 з підтвердженим у них діагнозом шляхом експрес тестування з використанням Antigen Detection Kit (NEWGENE Bioengineering). Виявлено зростання температури тіла у піддослідних тварин. Гістологічне дослідження тканин легень інфікованих хом’яків на 5-ту добу спостереження виявив у них наявність набряку, крововиливів, лейкоцитарної інфільтрації, зменшення просвіту альвеол та інших ознак, які притаманні коронавірусній інфекції на її ранній стадії розвитку. Імуногістохімічний аналіз цих взірців легень з використанням моноклональних антитіл до нуклеокапсиду коронавірусу (X-223) та аналіз конфокальною мікроскопією субклітинних компонентів показав локалізацію вірусних антигенів у складі вакуоляризованих клітин інтерстицію легеневої тканини, що є молекулярним підтвердження наявності коронавірусних антигенів в легенях хом’яків. Створена експериментальна модель може бути використана для вивчення патогенезу COVID-19 та доклінічних випробовувань імунобіологічних та лікувально-профілактичних препаратів при цій інфекції.

Abstract. The first results of research on the creation of an experimental model of the COVID-19 coronavirus infection on laboratory hamsters of the P. Roborovski line are presented. Animals were infected intranasally with biomaterial taken from the nasopharyngeal epithelium of patients with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID- 19 by rapid testing using the Antigen Detection Kit (NEWGENE Bioengineering). An increase in body temperature was detected in experimental animals. Histological examination of lung tissues of infected hamsters on the 5th day of observation revealed the presence of edema, hemorrhages, leukocyte infiltration, reduction of alveolar lumen and other signs that are characteristic of coronavirus infection in its early stage of development. Immunohistochemical analysis of these lung samples using monoclonal antibodies to the nucleocapsid of the coronavirus (X-223) and analysis of subcellular components by confocal microscopy showed the localization of viral antigens in vacuolarized cells of the interstitial lung tissue, which is molecular confirmation of the presence of coronavirus antigens in the lungs of hamster tissues. The created experimental model can be used to study the pathogenesis of COVID-19 and preclinical tests of immunobiological and therapeutic and preventive drugs for this infection.

УДК: 578.834.1+641.18:[664.511:664.55]-664.5:665.353.6:639.512(59)

The study aims to review the involvement of different dietary habits in Laotian, Cambodian, and Vietnamese populations in reducing COVID19 impact.

Materials and Methods. The methods of collection, systematization, analysis and generalization of information data have been used. The analysis of literature in scientific databases and analytical platforms by the listed keywords has been performed; all relevant references in the found sources have also been reviewed.

Results and Discussion. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak is an ongoing pandemic caused by a highly pathogenic human coronavirus known as SARS-CoV2. Current epidemiology reported that more than 500 million cases of COVID-19 occurred in more than 180 countries worldwide. When the upper respiratory tract gets infected by low pathogenetic HCoVs, it typically triggers a mild respiratory disease. In contrast, when the lower airways get infected by highly pathogenic HCoVs, such as SARS-CoV2, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) may occur and even fatal pneumonia. Such a situation causes the need for an urgent search of effective treatment measures. A very low incidence of SARS-CoV-2 in Laos and Cambodia, as well as low mortality rate due to COVID-19 in Vietnam and Laos, are extremely interesting, especially because of their early exposure to the virus, continuing ties to China, relative poverty, and high population density. The use of several spices and aromatic herbs as natural treatments for several illnesses, including viral infections, has been reported since a long time ago. The research reviewed three integral elements of Laotian, Cambodian, and Vietnamese diets, such as special culinary spices and herbs, coconut oil, and palm oil-rich for saturated fatty acids as well as fermented shrimp paste. Environmental and population genetic causes may be forwarded but moreover local dietary habits may have even a role in this evidence. Therefore, all these items highlight the possibility of a significant contribution of local cuisine and diet into the impact on appropriate anti-inflammatory and immune-resistant mechanisms of the human population.