UDC: 615.276:547.789:542.91

Aim. Based of the Knoevenagel condensation reaction the synthesis of new rhodanine-indoline hybrid molecules for screening antibacterial and antifungal activities was accomplished. Methods. Organic synthesis, NMR spectroscopy, pharmacological screening. Results. The reaction between rhodanine-3-propanoic/ethanesulfonic acids and indolecarbaldehydes in the acetic acid provided series of 5-indolylmethylenerhodanine-3-carboxylic/sulfonic acid deriva-
tives. Based on the esterification reaction with methanol in the presence of sulfuric acid, 5-indolylmethylenerhodanine-3-propanic acid was transformed into appropriate ester for further evaluation of antimicrobial activity. The antimicrobial activity screening allowed the identification of compounds with significant effect against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus lentus and Candida albicans with MIC/MBC/MFC values in the range of 25-50 μg/mL.
Conclusions. The synthesized 5-indolylmethylenerhodanine-3-carboxylic/sulfonic acid derivatives are a convenient platform for the development of new highly active and low-toxic agents as potential drug-like molecules with antimicrobial activity.
K e y w o r d s: synthesis, 2-thioxo-4-thiazolidinone, indolecarbaldehydes, spectral data, antimicrobial activity.

УДК 582.675.1 + 61 + 615.1

The article presents the generalized results of the analysis of literature data on botanical description, distribution area, the content of biologically active compounds, pharmacological activity, and aspects of Thalictrum foetidum use in pharmacy and medicine. Prospects for pharmacognostic and pharmacological studies of the plant are established, based on the results of the analysis. © 2021, V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University. All rights reserved.

biologically active substances; botanical description; distribution; pharmacological action; Thalictrum foetidum

УДК 582.675.1 + 61 + 615.1

The authors provide generalized data from the analysis of literature sources on the botanical description, distribution area, content of biologically active compounds, biological action, and aspects of the use of Clematis vitalba in pharmacy and medicine. It is established that it is promising to conduct pharmacognostic, phytochemical, and pharmacological studies of the plant in order to introduce it into the practical pharmacy. © 2021, V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University. All rights reserved.

area of distribution; biological action; biologically active compounds; Clematis vitalba; description; Ranunculaceae

Raoultella terrigena is a rarely found opportunistic pathogen that can cause healthcare-associated infections with high mortality. It is important to differentiate it from Klebsiella species.

Keywords: Klebsiella; Raoultellaterrigena; clinical case; healthcare‐associated infections; literature review; opportunists; phylogenetic analysis; rare pathogen.