The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic still has tremendous impacts on the global socio-economy and quality of living. The traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM) approach showed encouraging results during previous outbreaks of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-related Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV). With limited treatment availability, TCM herbs and formulations could be useful to reduce COVID-19 symptoms and potential sources for discovering novel therapeutic targets. We reviewed 12 TCM herbs and formulations recommended for COVID-19 management by the National Health Commission and as National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the People's Republic of China. This article explored the Chinese national authorities' guidelines from 2003 to 2020, the scientific data in public databases for the recommended TCM remedies, and their potential mechanistic actions in COVID-19 management. Several TCM herbs and formulations could potentially benefit COVID-19 management. The recommended TCM oral preparations list includes Huoxiang zhengqi, Jinhua Qinggan, Lianhua Qingwen, and Shufeng jiedu; the recommended injection preparations comprise Xiyanping Xuebijing, Re-Du-Ning, Tanreqing, Xingnaojing, Shenfu, Shengmai, and Shenmai. TCM remedies are viable options for symptom alleviation and management of COVID-19. The current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic presents an opportunity to find novel therapeutic targets from TCM-active ingredients. Despite the recommendations in Chinese National guidelines, these remedies warrant further assessments in well-designed clinical trials to ascertain their efficacy in the treatment of COVID-19.

The study guide was prepared according to the typical syllabus for Epidemiology with due account of the qualification description and standards of training on the basis of regulatory and binding documents of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The book sets out in concise detail the fundamentals of general epidemiology and ­approaches to prevention of epidemiological complications, protection of the population and territory from the spread of infectious diseases.
The fourth edition describes the WHO recommendations on the introduction of immunization programs for children and adults on epidemiological indications.
The study guide is intended for masters and internship doctors of higher education establishments — medical universities, institutes and academies.

Background: Coenzyme Q (CoQ) is an enzyme family that plays a crucial role in maintaining the electron transport chain and antioxidant defense. CoQ10 is the most common form of CoQ in humans. A deficiency of CoQ10 occurs naturally with aging and may contribute to the development or progression of many diseases. Besides, certain drugs, in particular, statins and bisphosphonates, interfere with the enzymes responsible for CoQ10 biosynthesis and, thus, lead to CoQ10 deficiency.

Objectives: This article aims to evaluate the cumulative studies and insights on the topic of CoQ10 functions in human health, focusing on a potential role in maintaining physical activity and extending the life cycle.

Results: Although supplementation with CoQ10 offers many benefits to patients with cardiovascular disease, it appears to add little value to patients suffering from statin-associated muscular symptoms. This may be attributed to substantial heterogeneity in doses and treatment regimens used.

Conclusion: Therefore, there is a need for further studies involving a greater number of patients to clarify the benefits of adjuvant therapy with CoQ10 in a range of health conditions and diseases.

Навчальний посібник підготовлено відповідно до типової навчальної програми “Епідеміологія” з урахуванням вимог кваліфікаційних характеристик і стандартів освіти на основі нормативно-директивних матеріалів МОЗ України. Стисло викладено основи загальної епідеміології та підходи щодо запобігання виникненню епідемічних ускладнень, захисту населення і території від поширення інфекційних хвороб.
Для магістрів і лікарів-інтернів медичних закладів вищої освіти — університетів, інститутів і академій.

Introduction: Skin damage is a serious problem that has attracted remarkable attention. Recently, the healing of wounds has become a serious problem. Hence, the aim of this study was to conduct an ethnobotanical study about medicinal plants used for the healing of wounds in Sistan and Baluchestan Province, Southeastern Iran. Methods: This study was performed in Sistan and Baluchestan Province, Southeastern Iran. Ethnobotanical information was collected through interviews and questionnaires among 20 traditional healers. Demographic information was also obtained from traditional healers. The data were analyzed by Excel. Results: Eleven medicinal plants from nine families were used for wound healing. The medicinal plants from the Fabaceae family (Alhagi persarum Boiss. & Buhse. and Medicago sativa L.) had the most application for wound healing. It has been observed that topical administration was the most important type of preparation method for the used medicinal plants. According to the new results, most plant families belong to Zygophyllaceae and Fabaceae. The most used plant organ was the leaf (53%) and the most used method was as topically. Conclusion: The mentioned medicinal plants showed wound-healing effects. Further research is needed for the suitable application of these plants and their phytochemical constituents in the medical and pharmaceutical industries.