УДК: [595.42:616-022]:616-084(477)

Мета. Аналіз наявної в наукових джерелах інформації щодо зараженості міських популяцій кліщів в населених пунктах України збудниками інфекційних захворювань; визначення факторів, які сприяють поширенню ареалів проживання кліщів на території міст; актуалізація основних методів боротьби з кліщами.

Об’єкт і методи дослідження. Аналіз вітчизняних та зарубіжних наукових праць.

Результати дослідження та їх обговорення. Згідно інформації із наукових джерел, в парках, зонах відпочинку, зелених насадженнях уздовж пішохідних маршрутів мешканців населених пунктів України найбільш поширеними є кліщі Ixodes ricinus, рідше зустрічається вид Dermacentor reticulatus. Вказані кліщі представляють загрозу для містян, оскільки можуть бути заражені одним або одночасно декількома збудниками інфекційних захворювань - хвороби Лайма, анаплазмозу, рикетсіозів, бабезіозу тощо. До збільшення міської популяції кліщів призводять антропогенні чинники: розбудова міст, неналежний догляд за парковими зонами, несанкціоновані сміттєзвалища, які стають розплідником для мишоподібних гризунів і безпритульних тварин. Для захисту мешканців міст від кліщових інфекцій необхідно знищувати кліщів і регулювати популяцію їх господарів, упорядковувати парки, сквери, прибудинкові території, проводити просвітницьку роботи серед населення. Важливим напрямком профілактичної роботи є епідеміологічний і епізоотологічний моніторинг за інфекціями, які переносяться кліщами.

Висновки. Через антропогенний вплив, безладну господарську діяльність в містах України поширюються популяції іксодових кліщів, які при нападі на людину можуть інфікувати її рядом небезпечних інфекційних захворювань. Стратегія та тактика профілактики кліщових інфекцій повинна розроблятися індивідуально для кожного населеного пункту з урахуванням особливостей території, чи є вона ензоотичною щодо тієї чи іншої інфекції, і результатів лабораторного обстеження іксодових кліщів, зібраних у зонах відпочинку населення.

Objective. Analysis of the information available in scientific sources on the contamination of urban populations of ticks in the settlements of Ukraine with pathogens of infectious diseases; identification of factors contributing to the spread of tick habitats in urban areas, updating the main methods of combating ticks.
Materials and methods. Analysis of domestic and foreign scientific works.
Results. According to information from scientific sources, Ixodes ricinus ticks are most common in parks, recreation areas, and green areas along pedestrian routes of urban settlements in Ukraine, and Dermacentor reticulatus is less common. These ticks pose a threat to residents, as they can be infected with one or several causative agents of infectious diseases - Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, rickettsiosis, babesiosis, etc. Anthropogenic factors lead to an increase in the urban population of ticks, such as: urban development, improper maintenance of park areas, unauthorized garbage dumps, which become a nursery for mouse-like rodents and stray animals. In order to protect city dwellers from tick-borne infections, it is necessary to destroy ticks and regulate the population of their hosts, arrange parks, squares, adjacent territories, and conduct educational work among the population. An important area of preventive work is the epidemiological and epizootological monitoring of tick-borne infections.
Conclusions. Due to anthropogenic influence, disorderly economic activity, populations of ixodid ticks are spreading in the cities of Ukraine, when attacking a person, they can infect him/her with a number of dangerous infectious diseases. The strategy and tactics for the prevention of tick infections should be developed individually for each settlement, taking into account the characteristics of the territory, whether it is enzootic with respect to a particular infection, and the results of a laboratory examination of ixodid ticks collected in recreation areas of the population.

Introduction. Infectious diseases have been a threat during all periods of human existence. Primary measures to protect against extremely dangerous pathogens included quarantine, observation and vaccination. Vaccination was crucial in the fight against smallpox — the only disease, which was eradicated on a global scale. The aim of the work was to identify the main stages of development and application of vaccines for the protection against especially dangerous infection (EDI) and the contribution of Ukrainian scientists in the development of vaccines for EDI. Methods. An analysis using the Search Strategy of narrative reviews of literary sources and Internet resource was conducted to systematize data about the application of immunobiological preparations to create an active immunity against several actual EDI. The participation of scientists with Ukrainian roots in the creation of vaccines against this group of diseases is indicated. Results. Smallpox (variolation in China in the 11th century) is known as the first disease against which specifc protection was created. Until the 20s century, the first five vaccines against EDI were developed: smallpox, rabies, anthrax, cholera, and plague. In the 20s century, the list was supplemented by vaccines against typhus, yellow fever, tick-borne encephalitis,тtularemia, brucellosis, coxiellosis (Q-fever), hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS). The introduction of new technologies in the 21st century allowed improving existing preparations and creating new ones against Ebola viral disease (EVD), COVID-19 as EDIs relevant ones for the pandemic potential. Outstanding scientists with Ukrainian roots contributed to the creation of vaccines against EDI: V. Khavkin, D. Samoilovich, V. Zhdanov. Conclusion. Protection of the population against EDIs is limited by the number of available effective vaccines. The development of vaccines against COVID-19 has improved the prognosis for containment of the COVID-19 pandemic. 


Background: Propolis and its major phenolic compound, caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), have garnered considerable scientific interest due to their anti- inflammatory properties and potential therapeutic applications.

Objectives: This narrative review explores the potential utility of CAPE in cancer treatment.

Methods: We comprehensively reviewed relevant studies from scientific databases (PubMed and Web of Science) from 2000 to 2022. Our search focused on keywords such as cancer, natural drugs, caffeic acid phenethyl ester, CAPE, cancer cell lines, antitumor effects, and propolis.

Results: CAPE exhibits diverse biological benefits, including antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, cytotoxic, and potentially anti-carcinogenic properties. Numerous studies have demonstrated its wide-ranging antitumor effects on various cancer cell lines, including growth inhibition, apoptosis induction, tumor invasiveness prevention, malignancy suppression, and anti-angiogenic activity.

Conclusion: Following comprehensive preclinical toxicity assessments, further evaluation of CAPE's efficacy and safety through clinical trials is highly recommended to elucidate its potential health benefits in diverse forms of human cancer.


On February 24th, 2022, a full-scale armed conflict broke out in Ukraine, resulting in a significant impact on the healthcare system, as well as extensive damage to the country's infrastructure. The aim of this study was to assess the challenges faced by oncologists in providing cancer care to patients.


Data were collected through a structured self-administered questionnaire administered using the Google survey tool and distributed to all participants.


This was a cross-sectional study that involved 111 oncology specialists. Physicians practising in regions that were partially or temporarily occupied by the Russian army (Chernihiv and Zaporizhzhia) reported a significantly higher decline in patient numbers compared to physicians in unoccupied regions (70.0% vs 20.9%; p < 0.0001). Most physicians from both occupied and unoccupied regions reported an increase in the number of patients with advanced disease (65.0% vs. 65.9%; p = 0.735). The majority of physicians from both occupied and unoccupied regions did not see loss of information, changes in cancer treatment phases, and self-medication as a concern. The majority were satisfied with the availability of medicines and equipment.


This needs-based assessment is crucial for improving the quality of cancer care as it provides valuable information for designing public health interventions.

The average worldwide human life expectancy is 70 years, with a significantly higher value in Western societies. Many modern diseases are not associated with premature mortality but with a decreased quality of life in aged patients and an excessive accumulation of various toxic compounds in the human body during life. Today, scientists are especially interested in finding compounds that can help increase a healthy lifespan by detoxifying the body. Phytotherapy with specific approaches is used in alternative medicine to remove toxins from the body. Worldwide, research is conducted to identify medicinal plant-derived molecules that, with few or no side effects, may protect the liver and other organs. This review provides updated information about the detoxification process, the traditional and modern use of the most effective medicinal plants, their active metabolites as detoxifying agents, and the mechanisms and pathways involved in the detoxification process. Among medicinal plants with substantial detoxifying properties, a major part belongs to the Asteraceae family (Silybum marianum, Cynara scolymus, Arctium lappa, Helichrysum species, Inula helenium, and Taraxacum officinale). The most widely used hepatoprotective phytocomponent is silymarin, a standardized extract from the Silybum marianum seeds containing a mixture of flavonolignans. Many polysaccharides, polyphenols, and terpenoids have a detoxifying effect. Overall, scientific data on medicinal plants used in phytotherapeutic practice worldwide provides an understanding and awareness of their efficacy in detoxification.